
Live sheep inquiry labelled a sham during WAFarmers conference opening

Beef Central 21/06/2024

THE Labor Government’s ‘findings’ from a rushed House of Representatives Standing Committee inquiry into the phase out of live sheep exports were handed down this afternoon, as farmers gathered for the 2024 WAFarmers Conference.

Nationals leader David Littleproud opened the conference, saying the inquiry was disingenuous, after thousands of submissions were sent to the committee and most could not even be read, let alone contemplated or investigated.

David Littleproud

“Imagine how insulted farmers feel today after taking the time to write submissions, only for Labor to treat them with contempt,” Mr Littleproud said.

“I stand with farmers who feel angry with the way Labor has treated them. One of the most important messages I have for today’s conference is that a future Coalition Government will reinstate the live sheep export trade. The Nationals don’t need an inquiry to understand the consequences of phasing out the live sheep export trade.”

WAFarmers president John Hassell said he was “more than disgusted” the evidence he provided was going to be knocked back because it was attached to a “supposedly proforma submission.”

“I am also disgusted, even more so, because the evidence I provided strongly points to Animals Australia having committed disgraceful conduct to get this policy up and of course they are trying to stop it being published,” Mr Hassell said.

WAFarmers livestock section president Geoff Pearson previously met with Agriculture Minister Murray Watt but described the meeting as a ‘waste of time.’

“Labor isn’t interested in live sheep exporters or our future, despite our industry undertaking significant reform. Around 3000 livelihoods are being destroyed and farmers are becoming increasingly desperate,” Mr Pearson said.

Inquiry ‘fulfilled Government’s promise’

Mr Littleproud’s comments follow the release today of the House of Representatives Agriculture Committee’s advisory report from its inquiry into the Export Control Amendment (Ending Live Sheep Exports by Sea) Bill 2024, which will end the live sheep export trade by sea by 2028.

The inquiry examined the provisions of the bill, including the authority for Commonwealth spending to assist those impacted to prepare and adapt.

Committee chair, Labor MP Meryl Swanson said the bill “fulfilled the Albanese Government’s election promise to end the live export of sheep by sea while providing time and money for the orderly transition of industry to new avenues of production and trade.”

While acknowledging the strong opposition of sections of industry and local WA communities, Ms Swanson said the matter had been extensively canvassed by governments and communities, and the time had come to transition away from the live trade.

“Like all transitions, it will not be without pain, but the outcome will provide industry with long-term certainty in line with community expectations,” she said.

In addition to recommending that the bill be passed, the Committee made two recommendations including that the Australian Government:

  • consider making additional funding available to support the industry transition, potentially through the 2026 stocktake of industry progress; and
  • continue to seek opportunities to work with the Western Australian Government to refine and implement the transition support package.

The Committee held two public hearings in Canberra and Muresk, WA, which took evidence from a range of stakeholders representing industry, government, local communities and animal welfare groups. It received more than 13,000 contributions from people supporting and opposing the bill and offering feedback on its contents.


The full committee report can be found here 










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  1. Ken Smart, 23/06/2024

    The irony is that WA Farmers, PGA and the NFF have had over 10 years to address this issue and have failed, spectacularly. The fact that now they are trying to shift the blame onto others, for what is essentially a complete lack of effectiveness as lobbyists on behalf of WA graziers, is laughable. You’ve got one job to do.

  2. Kerry Glasser, 23/06/2024

    Time for a National Farmers Protest in Canberra.
    How dare they confiscate/ steal the income from farmers who have been breeding better and better sheep for generations.
    Apart from the Financial cost to Farmers, Shearers, Truck Drivers and many more involved, what about the mental implications of all this.
    Murray Watt has no Mandate on sheep. Nobody voted on Sheep, in fact Labour got less Primary Votes than the LNP did.
    We all need to stand up against a Government who is literally taking away Sheep Farmers (and others( Incomes.

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