Live Export

Live export vessel breakdown

Beef Central 11/12/2015
The Girolando Express. Image: Vroon

The Girolando Express. Image: Vroon

A live export vessel standing at anchor in Port Phillip Bay following a turbo malfunction is expected to resume its journey to China by the weekend.

The Girolando Express experienced a power surge on Sunday morning soon after departing from Geelong with 4425 dairy heifers on board, destined for the Port of Huanghua in China.

Replacement parts have been sourced and the vessel is expected to recommence its journey on Saturday.

The vessel is carrying surplus fodder and water as per Australian live export standards.

The cattle on board have been inspected by an AQIS accredited veterinarian and are reported to be in good health.

Geelong Harbour Master Captain Dilip Abraham has told the media there are no animal welfare concerns for the cattle on board.

Additional fodder and water will be loaded before the ship resumes its 16-day journey to China.

The Vroon-owned Girolando Express was launched 18 months ago and is one of the newest livestock export vessels in operation.


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