
Cattle Council welcomes MLA commitment to objective carcase measurement

Beef Central 15/11/2016

CATTLE Council of Australia has welcomed Meat and Livestock Australia’s commitment to objective carcase measurement technology, announced last week.

Cattle Council board director David Hill said MLA’s intention to install the Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry technology in AUS-MEAT registered slaughter facilities across Australia was another positive step towards objective carcase measurement for the beef industry.

“We have been pushing for objective carcase measurement and see the technology as another positive step in the red meat industry’s ongoing push for objective carcase measures – rather than subjective,” Mr Hill said.

“If we are to meet the priorities set out in the Meat Industry Strategic Plan 2020, we will be reliant on this sort of technology.

“If practices throughout the supply chain are to change and allow us to meet these priorities, it has to be done in a way that allows all industry participants the most accurate and up to date information on how to best deliver outcomes.”


Barry O’Sullivan and David Hill at the Roma Saleyards in October.

Mr Hill said during a recent trip to regional Queensland with Senator Barry O’Sullivan, many topics were discussed including how to improve trust between industry sectors and reducing market volatility. 

“DEXA technology was mentioned by MLA Managing Director, Richard Norton as part of the technological advancements that will not only improve the producer/processor relationship, but also underpin a move towards value-based marketing,” Mr Hill said.

Cattle Council recognises there has already been a significant amount of money invested in this technology by some in the processing sector and in moving towards value-based marketing, this is where I feel industry can justify the costs associated with DEXA and other technologies.

“We must remain mindful of the market advantages that can be gained through this technology, and that is why we remain committed to the ongoing collaboration currently happening within the red meat industry.

“Ongoing collaboration will only be successful if the costs associated with reducing risk and increasing reward are equitably shared, as well as any benefits.”

Cattle Council also acknowledges the ongoing support of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources Barnaby Joyce, along with government programs like Rural Research and Development for Profit.

Government programs such as Rural R&D for Profit are facilitating research programs like Advanced Measurement Technologies for Globally Competitive Australian Meat.

Programs like this are vital if the red meat industry is to be increasingly profitable in a highly competitive market.

Cattle Council looks forward to working with MLA and the other peak councils on how to best structure the $150 million one-off cost for the roll out of the DEXA technology and how to improve objective carcase measurement through other processes or technologies.

Source: Cattle Council of Australia


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