
Dutch farmers aggressively protest plans to dramatically reduce livestock numbers

Eric Barker 06/07/2022

Thousands of Dutch farmers have blocked highways and food distribution centres to protest plans to reduce livestock numbers by a third. Photo: Twitter

THOUSANDS of Dutch farmers have been blocking supermarket distribution centres and burning hay bales in protest of government plans to reduce livestock numbers in the country.

Earlier this month, the Netherlands Government announced plans to halve the country’s nitrogen output by 2030 – with cattle-produced manure and fertiliser in the firing line. The government estimates this could cut livestock numbers by 30 percent.

The government has made plans to buy out some farmers and cancel the production rights attached to their land or to help finance their relocation. Deputy prime minister Carola Schouten said ending farm operations reduced nitrogen emissions.

“The future of farming is currently a much-discussed issue in many homes and not only because of nitrogen pollution,” Ms Schouten said.

“Some farmers want to quit, but many more want to continue. The government wants to make both these things possible. Money will be available for farmers who want to continue, and to innovate. Farmers who want to end their operations will also get help from the government.”

But the plan has not gone down well with the country’s farmers, who have been staging large and sometimes violent protests. Feed bags have been lit on fire and cows have been brought to protests – with farmers saying the laws will mean sending them to the abattoir.

Pictures of empty supermarket shelves have emerged on social media with the farmers blocking trucks from leaving food distribution centres.

The fishing community have backed the farmers by blocking port activity with their boats and effectively disrupting ferry services.

The future of the plan is uncertain with the Euro News website saying Dutch courts have ordered the Dutch government to address the nitrogen problem. The website says high-intensity farming of cows, pigs and other animals has made the Netherlands Europe’s leading emitter of nitrogen.

















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  1. Justin, 10/07/2022

    Be sure, self important activists in the bureaucracy will attempt this stuff in Australia and the rest of the “free world” As for food, they want people eating bugs and synthetic meat, hunger will force people to accept the change, it’s seige warfare against the ignorant masses.

  2. Wayne Harper, 09/07/2022

    When are governments going to leave people alone, they seem to forget their job is to govern not rule.To change something they know nothing about is political suicide. Stop pandering to climate change nutcases,and green weirdos, and you find you have a system that works pretty well.

  3. Felix Gabiola, 08/07/2022

    Once the world food shortage gets much worse, it will not be the politicians or the wealthy who go hungry….they can easily afford the higher food prices. Stop blaming the farmers for overpopulated and polluted cities.

  4. Keith Ashenden, 08/07/2022

    The Dutch have got to protest no choice, its their survival they are fighting for. They have to demand their country get out this crazy WHO and climate crap now Australia has to support them by doing the same here now. Dont wait till they do this to our farmers, close the food down for a few days/weeks and it will efect the trucking industry and fuel industry as well so they may jump in and support them to one thing for sure the farmer’s will still eat.

  5. kaye avery, 08/07/2022

    Oh dear, the poor old cows. How many billions of humans live, and defaecate on the earth, compared with the cows. They said many years ago that the human race would get dumber, well where there in the courts and governments.

  6. Kevin Amery, 08/07/2022

    There is madness at work but congratulations to the folk who stand against tyranny

  7. Jonathan, 08/07/2022

    We need to eat more meat not less and cow farts and burps hardly make a dent in global warming. Holistic animal farming is the only way to reduce desertification and increase water security.

  8. Ray Cullen, 08/07/2022

    Total stupidity at its highest!
    The people issuing these edicts have no understanding or care people’s life’s will be destroyed!
    Plus every man and his dog knows ” No Farmers No food “!!
    Worse still how long will it be before this stupidity is applied in Australia? The mind boggles!!!!

  9. Keith Barry Kemp, 08/07/2022

    No, farming= no eating! Does this make sense. You live in the real world.

  10. Nick, 07/07/2022

    Address the problem of nitrogen with Technology. Don’t close farms. No body will eat synthetic meat. And it’s not safe. I hope the Dutch farmers win.

    • Daryl, 14/10/2022

      I think the interesting result of this comes down to responders think this is just happening in the Netherlands, but we need to look at the fact this is happening in the US as well.
      Seriously, suddenly food distribution plants, chicken disease and other reasons to reduce livestock and farm resources here in the US is part of the direction the global leaders are taking and chalking it up to global climate controls.
      Look at the shelves in our own stores and we don’t have farmers protesting disrupting the supply chain….We have incorrigible politicians causing our woes.

  11. Peter Dunn, 06/07/2022

    The lack of common sense is staggering. Non elected Courts are ordering the Government to reduce the nation’s food production on environmental grounds, with not a word about emission increases by the largest global emitter. Is it ignorance or madness which is overtaking us??

    • John D., 07/07/2022

      To your question “Is it ignorance or madness which is overtaking us??”,,,,, it is bothBOTH with a big dose of “agenda” added in for good measure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I fear what is in store for us all………………….

      • Lynda O'Shea, 08/07/2022

        Governments seem to forget that they are elected to serve the people. The way that elected bodies are going , there won’t be any real food left for people to eat. Real food is what has sustained humanity for millennia. These dictatorial edicts are above and beyond any electoral mandate to govern a country. Frightening.

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