
Grill’d launches grass and seaweed-fed low methane beef burger

Beef Central 02/02/2023

Burger restaurant chain Grill’d has this week announced the launch of what it terms a “world-first sustainable, grass-fed beef Gamechanger, made from black angus cattle that produce up to two-thirds less methane emissions than regular cattle”.

“In partnership with Sea Forest and validated by the University of New England NSW, Grill’d has developed an innovative way to feed its grass-fed cows Asparagopsis – a native and natural Tasmanian seaweed – to reduce their methane emissions by up to 67 per cent, with ongoing live trials on the Grill’d farm targeting a 90 per cent reduction,” a media release announcing the new burger states.

“This world-first trial will revolutionise the grass fed-beef industry, leading the way for others and helping smash national targets signed by the Federal government to reduce methane emissions by 30 per cent by 2030.”

Describing the move as a momentous step on its journey to lower its carbon footprint, Grill’d says it is “empowering its guests to be the eco-friendly change they want to see, while still enjoying their grass-fed beef”.

“And in good news for burger lovers, the new Gamechanger beef has the same delicious taste (no seaweed taste to be found!) and is even better for the future of our planet.”

Rocky De Nys, Chief Scientific Officer of Sea Forest, said Asparagopsis is a seaweed native to Tasmania and is “very special” as it has a unique set of properties that carry across to cattle.

“When consumed, it reduces methane in those animals. It’s great to see a direct-to-consumer product that Sea Forest is contributing to where consumers can make a real difference themselves – enjoying low-carbon products that are better for the planet.”

Grill’d has used a number of stunts to position itself as “champion of change in the industry”, including ditching its entire menu of meat burgers for a day in 2019 and only serving plant-based options instead, attracting flack for removing choice and alienating its core, loyal customers.

Last year it also backed down on its venture into offering only plant-based burgers in some outlets.

Grill’d Founder Simon Crowe described the chain’s Gamechanger beef as the “future of beef”.

“And we won’t stop at 61 restaurants. But for now, and for only an extra buck, guests can help the planet by choosing a low methane product, simply by upgrading their favourite beef burger,” he said.

In its statement Grill’d says it has always been at the forefront of championing change in the industry; from serving healthy, 100% natural and guilt-free burgers to using RSPCA approved chicken, free-range eggs, buns baked daily with no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives all sourced from local suppliers.

“Grill’d’s burger patty production facility and 61 restaurants purchase 100% Green Power to support renewable energy regeneration in the making of their burgers, and the freshest local ingredients (solar-powered lettuce, anyone?) are always used where possible.”

Grill’d has also release a video to promote the new burger which can be viewed here.


Source: Grill’d




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  1. Andrea Lethbridge, 02/02/2023

    Is it responsible to endorse and encourage activists to feed anything to livestock ILLEGALLY?! This reckless ad is up there with Subway offering to pay the biosecurity fine of the individual who failed to declare their Subway sandwich at the airport. And by the way – learn to shut the gate!

  2. Dale Stiller, 02/02/2023

    It’s called marketing

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