Beef 2024 Report

Next Gen Forum explores ways to ‘future proof’ the industry + PHOTOS

Beef Central 10/05/2024

Part of the big crowd at the Next Gen forum included R to L Bill Dunn, Duaringa, Cam Anderson, Clermont and Eliza MacMillan, Emerald. More pictures at base of page


Young stakeholders and key industry representatives in the beef sector came together for the Next Gen Forum at Beef 2024 in Rockhampton yesterday, unpacking how to ‘Future proof your beef.’

Beef Australia chairman Bryce Camm told the audience the event was about embracing young people in the beef industry.

“I look across this room and the industry as a whole, and it is absolutely being driven by young people across the country,” Mr Camm said.

“The Next Gen Forum has long been a mainstay of the Beef Expo program. I actually came up through the Next Gen Committee myself, and it has a long history of giving back to the industry and providing valuable opportunities to young people.”

“The industry has a bright future, and it’s in good hands.”

In the forum’s first session, award-winning filmmaker and Nuffield Scholarship recipient Luke Chaplain shared his experience founding SkyKelpie – a world leader in drone mustering and aerial stockmanship.

Mr Chaplain said it was exciting to see some of the emerging trends on display at the Ken Coombe Tech Yards and Innovation Hub.

“Trying to control cost of production is key to running a successful operation, and emerging technology can really help with that,” he said.

“The meat industry often gets a bad rap for not adopting technology, but I think that’s nonsense. We’re very savvy business people in agriculture, and if there’s a clear use case for a technology that helps solve a clear problem, primary producers are often among the earliest adopters of that tech.”

Mr Chaplain was one of eight finalists in yesterday’s EvokeAg Pitch In The Paddock competition at Beef 2024 (see earlier story).

“We were hyping each other up throughout the day so it was a very healthy environment between the eight of us,” Mr Chaplain said.

“In the culture of agriculture, I like to talk about collaboration not competition. There’s a lot of power in having a chat and sharing what you’re doing. A rising tide lifts all boats.”

Former Zanda McDonald award winner, Charlie Perry, shared with the Next Gen Forum his journey into farm management, followed by Tess Bitmead giving insights into management of logistics from her experience across the supply chain.

Prue and David Bondfield outlined the challenges of their non-traditional transition of a family business into corporate ownership, before Sam Trethewey wrapped up the event by diving into Tas Ag Co’s business focus including environmental ag and venture capital, and how it is leveraging this in today’s landscape.

Here’s some more faces from the audience:

Joe, Caitlin and Archer Kerin, 15 weeks, from Kerin Wagyu, Yeovil, NSW. Archer was among the youngest Next Gen attendees….

R to L Katie Crowe, Sophie Wilson, both Rockhampton, and Malcolm Harris, Emu Park

Maddy Bignell, Gloucester and Brooke Darbyshire, Melbourne

Sam Harris, Alice Springs and Katie Faithfull, Bairnsdale

Maddy Price, Rolleston and Aryton Smith, Moura

Source: Beef 2024


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