The Weekly Grill

S4 Ep 20: New National Cattle Vets Association president Craig Wood

Victorian veterinarian Dr Craig Wood is the new president of the Australian Cattle Vets, a special interst group of the Australian Veterinarians Association.

A cattle specialist at Mortlake Vet Clinic, Dr Wood succeeds Broome WA vet, Dr Tracy Sullivan as ACV president.

In a wide ranging discussion, Weekly Grill host Kerry Lonergan chats with Dr Wood about the role vets would play in any exotic disease incursion in Australia, the current level of risk from LSD and FMD from nearby Indonesia, and the challenges in attracting young veterinarians to work in the bush.

ACV president Dr Craig Wood

The Australian Cattle Vets members provide crucial services to agricultural producers who feed the country, playing key roles in disease surveillance, securing the nation’s quarantine status and protecting ongoing productivity. Members also have a significant responsibility in managing and maintaining animal welfare.

The ACV is one of the AVA’s largest special interest groups, with 1100 members across Australia. Members come from private practice, government departments including agriculture and quarantine services, research, and animal health companies. The ACV has representation on Cattle Australia, with which it has associate membership, and works closely with other cattle industry bodies.


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