Beef 2024 Report

Beef 2024 Pitch in the Paddock: From Astronauts to Ag Tech

Roger Desailly 09/05/2024

Agscent has been named the winner of the evokeAG. Pitch In The Paddock at Beef2024 in Rockhampton yesterday, edging out seven other finalists in the only pitching competition of its type in the world.

The hotly contested event offers ag industry entrepreneurs the opportunity to present their beef-centric business idea, proof of concept, prototype, or new product to the largest gathering of beef stakeholders and consumers in the Southern Hemisphere.

Following the success of Pitch In The Paddock at Beef2018 and Beef2021, there were more applications than ever for this year’s event, with the eight finalists chosen to present a five-minute pitch to a panel of judges and a live audience in yesterday’s competition.

Agscent Managing Director and Founder, Dr Bronwyn Darlington, told the panel of her company’s innovative use of NASA-licensed technology to develop groundbreaking breath- sensing devices set to revolutionise methane measurement, pregnancy testing, and disease diagnostics with an affordable, cutting-edge nanotechnology platform.

Dr Darlington said it was honour to be named this year’s Pitch In The Paddock winner and that in essence Agscent was “livestock diagnostics reinvented.”

She founded Agscent after discovering the science behind breath diagnostics technology designed for humans and applying it to her family’s 2023-hectare cattle and sheep property in regional New South Wales.

Beef Australia Board Director, Jess Webb, said Dr Darlington was “shifting the dial”.

“Congratulations to Bronwyn our winner, who has brought NASA technology to the beef industry – what a wonderful story. Congratulations also to all of our finalists today – it’s a significant commitment to be here and good luck with your future ventures,” Mrs Webb said.


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