Beef 2015

Beef 2015 exhibitor showcase: KLR Marketing, Palgrove Charolais, MLA international chefs

Jon Condon 22/04/2015



  • KLR’s 10 years in marketing education
  • Palgrove’s “We’re all about beef” video for Beef 2015 launch
  • MLA’s international chefs showcase beef


THE KLR Marketing network this year celebrates ten years of operations, having educated more than 2500 cattle and sheep producers across Australia through its renowned two-day school, equipping them with some key principles needed to optimise profit in a tough industry.

KLR marketing schools are designed to improve the participant’s understanding of livestock marketing, by looking in an innovative way at the way producers manager their grass, money and livestock.

“When we understand how to value these three things, we reduce our market risk,” co-principal Grahame Rees says.

While the KLR program in some circles has a reputation for being focused on livestock trading and backgrounding work, the program has as much relevance, if not more, to cattle breeding operations, Mr Rees told beef Central.

Rod, Grahame & Jim of KLR Marketing

KLR’s Grahame Rees, Rod Knight and Jim Lindsay

KLR will host a trade display site at Beef 2015 next month where event visitors can interact with school presenters Grahame Rees, Rod Knight and Jim Lindsay to find out the proven KLR principles can integrate into their cattle breeding and backgrounding enterprises.

Rocky visitors will also have the opportunity to be in the running to win an educational prize package through KLR worth more than $1500.

For graduates of the KLR marketing school, the KLR Mastermind network provides an ongoing support network and access to additional tools and information to benefit livestock producers.

Mastermind is built around a support system in which members participate in regular teleconferences, mentoring days and communication with other industry professionals.

Mastermind Network member Luke Carr, a producer as well as senior accountant/financial advisor for prominent farming families in the NSW Central West, says that KLR Marketing has helped him identify more options within his business to profit from livestock markets.

“By learning how to best identify and compare markets, you are better able to make key decisions such as when to sell and when to buy, and more importantly, to position yourself to leverage the livestock market,” he said.

“The KLR Marketing School has allowed me to analyse my own business and identify areas for improvement, helping to increase profits over time. This knowledge and confidence also flows through to my day job.”

New App helps marketing decision-making

This year KLR has also released its unique KLR Marketing phone app, featuring a business analyser, profit calculator and more tools to help producers make better marketing decisions in the office, in the yards, and just about anywhere else.

Come to breakfast

People interested in finding out what KLR is all about can also book a space at the “KLR Breakfast @ Rocky” being held on Wednesday 6 May from 7am at Rockhampton Leagues Club. Bookings are essential, as spaces are limited – click here to register. The breakfast will showcase how beef producers can better manage and balance the three inventories of grass, money and livestock, and will provide excellent networking opportunities.

  • KLR’s Grahame Rees, Rod Knight and Jim Lindsay will be present during Beef 2015. The KLR trade exhibit will be located in site 61P in the Walter Pearce pavilion.



Palgrove releases video


Australia’s premier Charolais stud won’t be competing in the stud beef judging ring at this year’s Beef 2015 event in Rockhampton, but the upside to that is that it will allow more time for interaction with commercial beef producers attending the event.

David and Prue Bondfield from Palgrove Charolais have elected to take a breather from the judging ring this year, after competing with cattle at every Expo since 1988. Instead, the Bondfields are this year mounting a large commercial trade display in the Cattle Precinct near the main entry gate.

The large marquee will house a great display of more than twenty Charolais and Ultrablack bulls, most of which will be available for private sale during the week.

Visitors are invited to drop in to the site at any time of the day to enjoy some refreshments in the expansive lounge area, during the week-long event.

“We’ve selected some great Charolais and Ultrablack bulls that will suit both stud and commercial clients,” Prue Bondfield said. “Sons of our ‘new direction’ sires such as Evolution (P) will be on display and we are excited to offer them for sale for the first time.”

For more information on the sale bulls heading to Rocky, click here to go to Palgrove’s website.

Video launch

Also during Beef 2015 Palgrove will officially launch its new “Palgrove: We’re all about BEEF” video.

“We wanted to tell a story about our business – who we are and what we stand for,” Mrs Bondfield said. “We’re in the stud cattle business but we’re very conscious of the downstream effect our genetics have on the final beef product, making our business as much ‘about the beef’ as it is ‘about the cattle’.”

“We were fortunate to be able to gather together such a talented group of staff, friends, clients and associates who were willing to help us tell our Palgrove story. We had a lot of fun making this short presentation, which we hope industry stakeholders will enjoy,” she said.

Click the link below to view.


Visit Palgrove at Site C244 in the Cattle Precinct near the Main Entry gate.



MLA puts spotlight on international chefs


Meat and Livestock Australia will put the outcomes of its producer levy investments on the menu with a series of events at Beef Australia 2015, the industry’s flagship beef event in Rockhampton.

MLA is a principal partner of the event, and one of its investments in the program will showcase how chefs from around the world are promoting Australian beef.

Hong Kong celebrity chef Alvin Leong

Hong Kong celebrity chef Alvin Leong

“The event is more than a cattle competition – it is about growing the national beef industry by creating new export opportunities, showcasing the latest research and development opportunities and building excitement in beef as a product through consumer awareness activities,” MLA managing director Richard Norton said.

MLA is also sponsoring Beef Australia’s 2015 consumer awareness program – a new celebrity chef initiative designed to excite consumers both domestically and globally about Australian beef products.

The self-proclaimed ‘Demon Chef’ and star of Masterchef Canada, Hong Kong’s Alvin Leung, headlines the line-up. Despite having no formal kitchen training, he is only the second self-taught chef (behind Heston Blumenthal) to ever receive 3 Michelin stars for his restaurant.

The cigar-chomping extrovert is sure to entertain as well as inform during his celebrity chef stints at the event.

Indonesian TV celebrity chef Vindex Tengker, one of the judges on the Indonesian version of Master Chef, will be joining Arab chef Tarek Ibrahim, MLA Middle East’s executive chef and the first Arab chef to receive the coveted status of Master Chef from the World Association of Chef Societies.

All three international chefs will be talking about why Australian beef and lamb feature so strongly in their respective kitchens and cooking shows.

It is a message that Beef Australia and MLA hope will extend beyond the showgrounds into the homes of consumers around Australia and into key export markets through the media profile and retail influence of celebrity chefs.


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