Beef 2015

International Expert on Ag investment to speak at Beef 2015

Beef Central 01/05/2015
Detlef Schoen

Detlef Schoen

Ever wondered where the opportunity might be for you in the increasing race for investment capital to find a home in Australian Agriculture?

The rapidly increasing interest of investors to diversify portfolios or capture supply chain opportunities in agriculture is increasingly bringing welcomed capital resources to the northern beef industry.

Institutional and Funds based interest is leading to investment structures that now make Australian beef farming more investable. Joint ventures and co-investments can underpin the essential experienced and often intergenerational management of Australia’s productive farming sector. Such investment structures can provide effective capital solutions to an industry where the retraction of traditional capital sources such as debt and the need for further development to meet the growing export opportunities has left an obvious equity gap.

Few understand this gap, or the opportunity to create effective deployment of global capital pools better than Detlef Schoen.

As Managing Partner of Aquila Capital Farms based in Germany, Detlef is renowned as a global authority on investment into agriculture. Aux Venture and Channel Capital have partnered to offer you the opportunity to hear from this globally renowned authority on investing in agriculture live at Beef Australia.

For more information or to book a ticket to hear from Detlef Schoen at Global Capital – Unlocking Opportunities in Australian Agriculture, on Wednesday 6th May, click here:


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