Live Export

Indonesia grants long-awaited 2024 import permits for live cattle

Beef Central 16/02/2024

LIVE cattle exporters have been given the green light to start sending cattle to Indonesia after the country granted long-awaited 2024 import permits.

Beef Central has confirmed that Australia’s exporters have been contacted by Indonesian customers and boats are expected to depart Darwin as early as next week. It is unclear at this stage what quota volumes have been issued for 2024, but more details will be published on Beef Central on Monday.

Australian and Indonesian cattle industry representatives have been working closely with Government representatives and it is understood there have been meetings between Ministers in both countries on the issue.

Some exporters have been absorbing significant costs which are mounting daily to hold cattle on feed and ships at anchor while they await the release of permits.

Outgoing Indonesian President Joko Widodo told local media on Wednesday the permits issue would be prioritised.

Australia’s live export industry is still yet to ship a single steer to Indonesia so far this year, despite 2024 being now six weeks old.

It follows a very strong cattle export activity in December, when Australia exported almost 60,000 head, the highest monthly total to Indonesia for three and a half years.

Many in the northern industry hoped that momentum would carry through into 2024, but the lack of permits has sucked the wind from the trade’s sails as ships were moving in volume again.

Boats have reportedly been waiting off the coast of Darwin for the permits and are hoping to fill as soon as they can – with the first expected to depart in the next week.

Live cattle are one of about 20 regularly-imported food commodities that Indonesia has not yet released import permits for, with the country’s focus on its general presidential and parliamentary elections being held in Jakarta on Wednesday considered the most likely reason for the disruption to trade.

  • More detail on Beef Central on Monday.












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