Live Export

Live sheep export bill passes House of Representatives

Terry Sim 26/06/2024

The House of Representatives has passed legislation to ban the live export of sheep by seas from 1 May 2028.

LEGISLATION to ban live sheep exports by seas on 1 May 2028 has passed the House of Representatives today, with the sheep industry now focused on getting a Senate inquiry into the trade phaseout and shoring up any crossbench support for the Senate vote tonight.

The 1 May 2028 end date for the export of live sheep by sea from Australia is now a step closer to being set in law, with the Export Control Amendment (Ending Live Sheep Exports by Sea) Bill 2024 passing the House of Representatives today and moving on to the Senate for a vote tonight.

The Federal Government said the passage of legislation also brings the $107 million transition support package for the Australian sheep supply chain another step closer to being available; however, the results has been roundly criticised by the Nationals, livestock exporters and the sheep industry.

The bill’s passage also sparked a call from Nationals leader David Littleproud, encouraging MPs and Senators to cross the floor to oppose the bill.

Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Murray Watt said the Albanese Government was delivering on its election commitment to the Australian people.

“The passage of this bill will provide certainty to all stakeholders and enable the roll-out of the programs under the transition support package to begin in the next financial year,” he said.

“Our transition plan strikes a balance between improving sheep welfare and providing time for a sustainable pathway for sheep farmers, the supply chain participants and communities in Western Australia, and for our trading partners to adjust.

“Currently the live sheep export by sea industry is worth just $77 million to the national economy, while sheep meat exports are worth $4.5 billion a year, and that figure is growing,” Mr Watt said.

“In addition to those exports, domestic demand for sheep products is up to $3.5 billion.

“Ending live sheep exports by sea marks a considerable step forward for animal welfare, while capitalising on opportunities to create more jobs onshore in sheep meat processing,” he said.

“The Australian Government is committed to seeing Australia’s domestic and international sheep meat markets continue to grow and offer more opportunities to Australian producers and processors.

“There is a strong future for the Western Australian sheep industry, with more sheep meat processing creating hundreds of local jobs and greater benefit to the local economy.”

Bill’s passing is ‘political bastardry’ – ALEC

Peak livestock exporters body, the Australian Livestock Exporters Council, branded the passing the bill as an act of “political bastardry.”

ALEC chief executive officer Mark Harvey-Sutton made the claim while declaring the industry would continue to fight the proposed trade ban.

“This is an outrage, which hasn’t been seen by Australian agriculture in decades and industry will continue to fight the ban.

“We would welcome a Senate inquiry to examine this entirely unfair nature of the bill, which has no scientific basis at all,” he said.

“We are appalled at the haste this bill, which has been shoved through the House of Representatives.

“Many of the 10,000 submissions (to a House inquiry) were dismissed out of hand and went unread and unanswered,” Mr Harvey-Sutton said.

“How can the government say it has adequately considered the damage this bill will do?”

Mr Harvey-Sutton said the bill needed the scrutiny of a Senate Inquiry as foreshadowed by Minister Watt at Senate Estimates.

He said such an inquiry “absolutely needed to examine the merits of the ban, not just how to do it.”

“This move is a slap in the face to Australian farmers and ignores the needs of our growing overseas markets.

“The ridiculous speed and lack of transparency demonstrated by the government is an outrage,” he said.

“It is a process that should make any Australian who works in an industry pursued by activists, unfortunately need to look over their shoulder. Will it be your industry and job next?”

RSPCA welcomes bill passing

The RSPCA welcomed the passage of the bill and RSPCA Australia CEO Richard Mussell said: “This is a historic moment in Australia’s history that brings us closer than ever before to a legislated end to this cruel and unfixable trade.”

“We commend the Federal Government for listening to the science, doing the right thing and keeping their commitment to the Australian community.

“The evidence supporting this position is overwhelming,” he said.

“Moving ahead with the legislation follows decades of evidence and consistent recommendations for the phase out of live sheep export on animal welfare grounds.

“No amount of regulation has been able to address the welfare issues inherent to live sheep export.”

“It’s not often that the RSPCA calls for an end to a practice entirely, but live sheep export is unfixable. To put it simply – if it was fixable, it would have been fixed by now.”

Mr Mussell called on Senators, “as their colleagues in the House have done – to pass this legislation without delay so that we can finally start moving towards a better future for Australian sheep.”

Littleproud’s call to cross the floor

Nationals leader David Littleproud said just as Labor Members of Parliament were given the green light to cross the floor on the recognition of Palestine statehood, “Labor Members and Senators could have full confidence crossing the floor to vote down the disastrous Export Control Amendment (Ending Live Sheep Export by Sea) Bill 2024.”

Mr Littleproud said while Labor elected representatives had previously feared being reprimanded if they crossed the floor, the Prime Minister’s precedent set yesterday meant any Labor MP or Senator could now take a stand on live sheep exports.

Mr Littleproud said Labor MPs should vote for common sense and for a trade that is crucial to our economy, as well as food security overseas.

“During debate we have already heard from Teal Independent MP Zali Steggall, who, in her support of Labor’s Bill, declared live exports of cattle should be next.

“The Nationals have been warning this bill will only encourage animal activists to expand their destruction of agriculture and this week our worst fears are being realised with cattle confirmed as the next target for activists and Independents including the inner-city MPs who have no understanding of agriculture,” he said.

“Labor MPs and Senators can cross the floor today and stop Labor’s senseless destruction of the live sheep export industry.”

Mr Littleproud reiterated that a future Coalition Government would reverse the terrible policy and reinstate the live sheep export trade.”



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  1. Peter Dunn, 28/06/2024

    Peter Dunn, 27/06/2024
    Peter Dunn, 26/06/2024
    Following is a lift from the Senate papers today, relating to current Senate business, and specifically to an attempt to have the matter of live sheep export investigated and considered by a Senate Committee, given that the Bill to halt live sheep export was pushed through the Labor government today.

    “Notice given 24 June 20243 Senators McKenzie, Nampijinpa Price, Canavan, McDonald, Davey and Cadell: To move—That the following matter be referred to the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee for inquiry and report by 25 November 2024: The social, economic and environmental impacts of banning live sheep exports in Australia, with particular reference to:(a) the nature and outcomes of consultation;
    No. 113—26 June 20247(b)the effects arising from the ending of live sheep exports on the Australian agricultural sector including:(i)the cost and impacts of transition for farmers, exporters, transporters and other participants in the supply chain,(ii)the process for any Government assistance,(iii)impacts on local communities including regional and remote employment and mental health, particularly in Western Australia,(iv)the impact on livestock production, prices and competition,(v)impacts on the processing of livestock within Australia,(vi)the impact on international animal welfare standards, and(vii)impacts on other industries within agriculture or the wider economy;(c)the effect of Australia’s live sheep export ban on our trade partners and the barriers to trade in chilled meat; and(d)any related matters.”
    Undoubtedly, if the attempt is successful, opponents like Tony Brightling will make a submission to that Senate Committee, as is his right, and no criticism of that should be made.
    Counteractively, every sheep exporter, and for that matter, every cattle exporter, together with every member of every allied trade and organisation, should also exercise their right and make a submission.
    Anyone who requires assistance should be able to find it in the office of their Federal Member, any Senator representing their state, or any of their industry representative groups.
    If this attempt to get it to Committee is not successful, then the Labor government will work to get the Bill passed by the Senate, and if that happens, live sheep export is all over red rover and look out live cattle export.
    The last cab off the rank to then reverse any live export ban is a change of government next year. It does not require a rocket scientist intellect to work out that both targets require simultaneous pursuit, by everyone, no exceptions, if live export is to survive.


  2. Anonymous, 27/06/2024

    When do the RSPCA plan to ban the spearing of Turtles and Dugongs?

  3. JOHN WAUCH, 27/06/2024

    Is the live cattle trade the next to go.

  4. Carole Gustin, 27/06/2024

    Live export is needed . I’m over city MPs getting involved with Agriculture they have no idea. Leftist ideas seem to cohabitat with the WEF UN GLOBALISTS who want to rule over all. I vote for MPs to do the will of the people not the other that will cause MPs committing TREASON. Labor Greens Teals do not have the best interests in heart for the farmers or be true to the Australian people. TREASONOUS MPs should be dealt with including PMs.

  5. Dave Williams, 27/06/2024

    Stopping the live sheep exports will do the same damage that Labor’s Ludwig did to the cattle industry a few years ago which cost us taxpayers millions in compensation. Labor really do have brainless people working for them.

  6. Robert ward, 27/06/2024

    The stupid fools don’t realise what they have done. Hundreds of sheep farmers will go out of sheep.It has already started.hundreds of people will be out of work meat will be . Unaffordable As far as I am concerned. As for the present labour are acting they must hate anybody that tries to make a living off the land .They should call them selves the Anti Labour Party .

  7. Robert ward, 27/06/2024

    This decision is proof that the labour government has no idea of farming life. All they care about is minority groups who could not care a less about farmers to gain votes. When they have to eat exported meat from other countries they might wake up. Farmers won’t have sheep in Australia. Most farmers now have already gone to all grain crops.It is a disgraceful decision by a disgraceful government to bring this idea to farmers who rely on sheep for a living . What will they and all people who work in the industry do? Go on the dole.

    That’s what will bring this government down.

    start eating exported meat from other countries because of

  8. Margaret Oreilly, 27/06/2024

    What a disgrace by labour and greens. Not only have you destroyed this industry. But now stopped food supply to other countries.
    Why are you continuing to destroying Australia and losing jobs. We will not need more people coming to this country while we have this government destroying business.

  9. Elizabeth Blechynden, 27/06/2024

    Australia’s national income is FALLING at an alarming rate. With a Labour government that does this to legitimate businesses, who can be surprised.
    How many people died as a result of cruise ship COVID? Have they banned that industry?

  10. Chester Wilson, 27/06/2024

    The Minister and those advising him, apparently forget or forgo the fact, that in saying that this industry earns only $x, that this figure is still income for those operatives included in this market and it is income for Australia. Mr Watt is just enabling a greater agenda against farming, by his woefully misadvised actions.

  11. Wendy Stewart, 27/06/2024

    Just look for the unintended consequences of this bill – loss of jobs (farmers, shearers, truckies) and the multiplier effect on rural communities. Then comes a population drift into cities, further exacerbating the housing crisis and unemployment, not to mention increased cost of the lamb chop on next Sunday’s barbie as farmers get rid of sheep. Sorry, Mr Watt, but your attempt to shore up the votes of activists and Greens will backfire in ways you haven’t foreseen.

  12. Max Watts, 27/06/2024

    Where is the respect four farmers; their hard won businesses, their families, the communities they live in and support in jobs they create, both within their communities and beyond.
    The Federal government, the inner city seats supporting them, and the minority anti-farming activists in this issue disgust me. Sort out your city issues and leave the country communities to get about what they know about.

  13. Colin Marshall, 27/06/2024

    It’s almost impossible to find a comment that’s specific to this government lack of consideration for farmer’s and the whole supply chain involved with this policy. Simply put on every policy that the Labor party along with the Greens and Teals produce all are detrimental to working Australians. Hopefully my fellow Australians will awake to this.

  14. Glen wisely smith, 27/06/2024

    D iscraful by the government

  15. Mark Cockburn, 26/06/2024

    The Government has no choice – as regulators of the trade they have constantly been let down time and time again by the Livex industry over many, many years.

    The general Australian public as a whole, seem to have had enough. No one can dispute that.

    Enormous potential exists in Western Australia for the feed-lotting/processing & exporting of heavy lamb into high end consumer markets where premiums are paid for these products based on high animal welfare credentials.

    I can only see more demand for feed grain, shearers and freight services etc – not less

    The phase out of the live sheep export segment should also assist in marketing other livestock products Australia wide into high end International consumer markets.

    Forward thinking WA sheep producers are already developing their breeding programmes to accomodate for this potential

    Pure Merino wool producing flocks focused on fine wool production will be positively impacted as more cross breeding commences to accommodate the feedlot sector – supply & demand

    The reality is that this is a sign of the times – we need to adapt. The chance to have prevented this upcoming ban was squandered years ago – we need to stop complaining, think and move forward.

  16. Ian Clifton, 26/06/2024

    Saudi Arabia has adopted the Australian ESCAS. protocols and re entered the market. Having Rejecting them when they were introduced.
    This is proof Australian standerds are being accepted and adopted by our customer country’s

  17. David Warriner, 26/06/2024

    The minister stating this is an improvement to animal welfare is a complete lie and he knows it is. The science has proven that. Anybody who knows anything, knows that the Middle Eastern countries will source their sheep from elsewhere if the trade stops from countries where there are no animal welfare regulations or ESCAS. This in fact will diminish animal welfare of sheep however, because it is in another country, nobody cares or wants to admit knowing this. Because they all do know it!!

  18. David Warriner, 26/06/2024

    The minister stating this is an improvement to animal welfare is a complete lie. The science has proven that. Anybody who knows anything, knows that the Middle Eastern countries will source their sheep from elsewhere if the trade stops from countries where there are no animal welfare regulations or ESCAS. This in fact will diminish animal welfare of sheep however, because it is in another country, nobody cares or wants to admit knowing this. Because they all do know!!

    • Ian harvey, 27/06/2024

      Well murray watt you and you colleges are’nt going to lose any income.don t you think there is enough farmer suicides in australia already.bloody have no concious.

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