Live Export

Live sheep export campaign celebrates strong survey result

Terry Sim 07/06/2024

PRO-LIVE sheep export campaign Keep The Sheep’s online petition supporting the reversal of the Albanese Government’s phaseout plan has generated more than 44,000 signatures in a week, denting claims the industry has lost its social license.

The KTS survey result exceeds the number of respondents to a major RSPCA-initiated petition in 2023 calling for a legislated end to the trade.

Other petitions and research that extrapolated conclusions either supporting or opposing the trade from far smaller numbers of respondents have been used by both sides of the debate.

The Keep The Sheep survey had received more than 45,000 signatures by noon today.

Minister for Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry Murray Watt has repeatedly referred to the anti-trade petitions as indicating the export of live sheep by sea had lost its social licence.

In 2023, 43,758 Australians signed the RSPCA-Initiated petition (petition EN5323) calling for the parliament to legislate an end date to phase out the export of live sheep by sea from Australia.

The RSPCA-initiated petition was open for four weeks from 4 August 2023 to midnight 31 August 2023, and its 43,758 signatures made it the 31st largest petition ever made via the e-petitions website, and the 5th largest in the 47th Parliament. It was cited by the RSPCA as indicating overwhelming support for a legislated end to the trade.

The federal Minister for Infrastructure Transport Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King last week also referred to Petition EN5323 in recommending the Export Control Amendment (Ending Live Sheep Exports by Sea) Bill 2024 that will amend the Export Control Act 2020 to prohibit the export of live sheep by sea from Australia from 1 May 2028.

Survey shows support for sheep farmers

Keep the Sheep organiser Ben Sutherland said the survey result was no surprise and further evidence that the Federal Government’s phaseout policy was out of touch with mainstream people.

“We’ve set an amazing record, with over 44,000 signatures in a single week.

“This has been from a standing start, without a heavily funded campaign like the ones activists have,” he said.

“It shows the community supports farmers, truckies and people in country towns.

“In introducing the Bill to ban live sheep to Parliament, the Government used the activists’ petition as justification, saying it ‘represented community expectations’, well, what about our communities’ expectations?” he said.

“Labor wants to take away our livelihoods and communities based on a petition by activists, that we have blown past in just six days. It’s clear we have the Australian community on our side.”

Mr Sutherland said it had been amazing to see the grassroots movement gather steam with people jumping on board the cause and sending the petition to friends and family.

“We’re grateful for everyone taking the time and supporting us to get this far, so quickly.

“What we will continue to do is keep the pressure on to the Government to drop this awful policy.”\

Reverse the ban – WoolProducers Australia

WoolProducers Australia chief executive officer Jo Hall said the Keep The Sheep survey figures speak for themselves.

“If governments are going to measure community sentiment through the number of signatures collected on any given issue, then the Minister needs to come out in support of the live sheep export trade.”

Ms Hall said there are many different metrics that could be used to measure industry’s progress; however, it is incumbent on the Minister to be consistent in his approach to evaluating community sentiment amongst groups.

“If the 43,000 signatures collected opposing the trade was enough evidence for the ALP to justify their proposed ban, then 45,000 signatures in support of the trade should mean that the Minister needs to reverse the ban.”

Watt has done nothing to ascertain truce community support – ALEC

Australian Livestock Exporters Council chief executive officer Mark Harvey-Sutton said the success of the Keep the Sheep petition has been outstanding.

“The government using the RSPCA petition — which went out to an established supporter base — as some sort of justification for ending the trade is a farce.”

He said the Keep The Sheep petition response is further evidence that the community doesn’t support the Albanese Government’s ban on live sheep exports.

“The Government has long held up the RSPCA’s petition as ‘proof’ that the community supports the ban.

“The Keep the Sheep petition has surpassed this in a single week, relying on word of mouth and social media advertising,” he said.

“The RSPCA took four weeks for their petition – imagine how many signatures KTS will have by then!

“There is now concrete evidence that there is no widespread community support for this terrible policy.”

Mr Harvey-Sutton said Minister Watt continues to act as a mouthpiece for activist groups, citing their petitions and reposting their content on social media.

“But it is clear he has done nothing to ascertain the true levels of community support for the trade.

“The evidence is there from industry research and development body, Livecorp, in its five-year study into community sentiment,” he said.

“The evidence was also on display last week with 1700 vehicles lining the streets of Perth with widespread support from the Perth community for their efforts.”

Mr Harvey-Sutton said that while the Minister continued to beat the drum of sheep meat exports being the ‘solution’, the reality is that this is not a debate about processing vs live exports, because a viable sheep industry needs both and our trading partners need both.

“We completely support the growth in sheep meat exports as that is good for everyone.

“But if you take a market live exports away then the market’s dynamic that delivers this value falls away too.

“We know this policy is actually going to cost jobs and impact thousands of rural businesses in WA and the Albanese Government has left the industry stranded with their dismal transition package.”

Mr Harvey-Sutton said the phaseout policy is not supported by the Western Australian Government nor by a single agricultural peak body.

“The Western Australian community does not support this policy.

“The only people that do are animal activists and the Albanese Government.”

Mr Harvey-Sutton said the live export industry has worked tirelessly on improvement, to the point where Australia leads standards of animal welfare globally.

“We have worked on educating and informing the public and are proud of the industry. Our exporters and farmers work tirelessly on innovation, animal welfare and have the goal of feeding people here and overseas with a top quality product.

“The success that Keep the Sheep has had so far appears to be because there is genuine support for real people standing up for their towns and livelihoods, in the face of poor policy from government,” Mr Harvey-Sutton said.

Nationals leader David Littleproud said Animals Australia and the RPSCA are morally bankrupt, because they are valuing the life of a sheep in Australia over that from another country.

“The market overseas will continue, this is a food security and cultural issue.

“Australian exporters have world leading standards and are able to measure the pants of a sheep per minute, as well as the length of their wool to the millimetre on a boat,” he said.

“There is growing anger among farmers, as witnessed recently in Perth, because Labor is treating them with absolute contempt.

“Labor’s House of Representatives Standing Committee inquiry into the phase out of live sheep is also disingenuous,” Mr Littleproud said.

“A future Coalition Government will reinstate the live sheep export trade.”


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  1. Rob Alver, 18/06/2024

    Here’s an idea to get Mr Albanese to revoke his legislation regarding live sheep exports.
    Have farmers ready to release truckloads of sheep into Perth City on Langley Park and into Kings Park. It is a far better option than farmers forced to shoot them.
    See how they cope with “Sheep in the City” wandering down the Hay Street mall.
    The activists can round them up and take them home for a good life.
    Farmers can hold back the sheep dogs until the Government changes this cruel plan to WA farmers.
    Do it two weeks prior to Election Day.

  2. Storm Paterson, 14/06/2024

    Australia should be proud of its good record in the Live Meat Export Trade. The shut down of this avenue to trade will not only affect Australian Farmers and Economy, but also the Countries to which Australia exports the Sheep (in this case). In these uncertain times people need to sure of food supplies and trade.

  3. Cherie Coleman, 12/06/2024

    All live export should be banned world wide it’s the decent moral thing to do. However this is about sheep in Australia and it should be banned. It is so cruel and anyone that supports it is a disgusting person. I can’t believe people are okay with the cruelty that has been shown. My heart goes out to these poor sheep.

  4. John Clegg, 12/06/2024

    West Australians, do you have concern for farming families, businesses, country folk, rural towns and communities ?

    Then raise your voices, make some noise, write and get heard !


  5. rob jodrell, 11/06/2024

    I agree with live sheep exporting

  6. Christine Kellett, 10/06/2024

    We must continue live sheep export. Where these sheep go to there is limited refrigeration therefore it will also affect food available for these countries

  7. ES & A, 10/06/2024

    Live Sheep & Cattle exports are an important trade. First to feed the world and support the developing nations. 2 support our Sheep & Cattle producers and keep a floor in the price. We need to maintain the food supply for the world otherwise we will see further erosion of our trading partners having access to quality meat products for the people.

  8. Glen wisely smith, 09/06/2024

    The government is closing down business the poeple of Western Australia would be better of without the eastern Australian government go it alone in Western Australia they taking gst from here and closing down business what is coming next ?>

  9. Michael Madden, 09/06/2024

    Animals Australia has no morals when trying to shut down industry, hate farmers and farming.

  10. Kaylene, 09/06/2024

    Farmers we are with you we see what the Albanese government and the green cronies are trying to do ..break the farmer and indeed our economy our beautiful Australia well and truly time to make a stand to save our way of life and our right to a good life and we need a government with integrity with the safety of our country and its people to come starts at home stop trying to please other countries Albanese and look after the one’s who pay YOUR wage the Australian taxpayer without us you wouldn’t even have a job!!!

  11. Glenn, 09/06/2024

    Dodgy back room deals done by Labor with the activists cannot be allowed to override the science and data. Fight it all the way and remember the LNP’s promise to repeal the legislation if elected.

  12. P and V Marinoni p, 09/06/2024

    Farmers do not want handouts just the right to continue an industry that supports so many other businesses

  13. Val Fenner, 09/06/2024

    If countries that receive live sheep imports don’t continue to receive the imports from Australia they will import from other countries with far less regulations than Australia has

  14. Peter bruce, 09/06/2024

    The minority groups are running this country so no need for albo and mob to be even in government people forget australia was built on the back of sheep and still is as important as it was yesteryears

  15. Greg Johnson, 09/06/2024

    Maintain the trade

  16. Keith Gallagher, 09/06/2024

    I am a supporter of the live sheep trade and believe the government is dominated by a small minority group

  17. Nicholas Ryan, 09/06/2024

    This legislation has been made because the government is looking for the votes from people that have no knowledge of the industry but have listened to the fanatics that wish to stop all animal farming. The government should be making its decisions on properly informed sources advice and doing what is best for the country not just for votes

  18. Matthew Swainston, 09/06/2024

    This policy wrongfull has to be reversed, effective immediately.
    It has been based on false evidence, lies & corruption.
    It is extremely appalling to see the labour government push through with its ban policy based on a small number of naysayers who are not even farmers & moreso not practical thinking people. With the Perth rally showing the overwhelming support for the live export industry from Australia, one has to seriously question this government’s good governance capability.
    Regards, Matthew Swainston.
    Albany, WA.
    0429 111 455

  19. Glen, 09/06/2024

    Again decisions made by a government who does not care about the Australian public. If they want to make decisions based on surveys then survey the entire Australian population. Good to see people backing this survey

  20. George Dent, 09/06/2024

    Maintain the trade.

  21. Graham Strong, 09/06/2024

    Be interesting to know the postcodes of surveys be they #Keepthesheep or animal rights groups.

    Its hardly surprising that the petition would get 45k signatures from WA. Id question its relevance to eastern states. The issue is not a hill to die on for most NSW producers despite the hype. Its unclear whether the value of live sheep export from WA outweighs potential liability across industry should a major animal welfare disaster occur. If you go online and read reveiws of the studies online since 2014, they all show differing results depending on who commissioned them. Some of them overinflate labor costs or dont include opportunity cost/benefits and vice versa.

    So as far as im concerned the issue is heavily politicised and not a lot of rational conversation or debate like most issues unfortunately.

  22. Catherine Russell, 09/06/2024

    Good to see wisdom and understanding gaining ground
    Well done everyone.

  23. Lee Christiansen, 09/06/2024

    This policy has always been ludicrous, it affects so many different industries, not just the Live sheep exports.
    Less product, less demand for grain, transportation of so many different related products across so many different industries, etc.

  24. Ian harvey, 09/06/2024

    The labour party & activists have no idea the struggle farmers put up with the marketing of their sheep. Retaining the live sheep trade is an economical must for wa country is disgusting how the labour party and the greens are Iruining all types of private enterprise across australia

  25. Kym Wagner, 08/06/2024

    Again it’s the farmer getting a kick in the guts!
    We need the live export trade, it’s important to the rural communities to continue to be able to exist.

  26. Marc Truman, 08/06/2024

    Been in the sheep industry for 42years and Labor has consistently tried to destroy it ,we have the best standards for live sheep export,how can’t they see that ,being lead by their nose by activists and people with no idea.

  27. John Uittenbogaard, 08/06/2024

    We must continue with the live export trade, typical Labour Govt bowing to pressure groups without considering the livelihoods of so many farmers and associated industries. Standards within the industry are world class

  28. Nola Prowse, 08/06/2024

    We are farmers and have children and grandchildren depending on the future of the agriculture industry ,our business uses the following people and trades in carrying out our daily ,weekly,monthly and yearly work ,we rely heavily on the unfastructure the labour ,expertise and services they supply ,electricians,mechanics,vets,rural farm supply outlets (including their many employees)agronomists,animal nutritionist experts,freight companies and their staff to deliver a huge range of supplies to get the job done ,fuel suppliers ,tractor and machinery supplies including parts and repairs ,cement ,welding construction contractors to build and repair infrastructure such as yards,fences,sheds ,fertilizer sheds ,silo’s to store grain for feed water supply troughs,seed merchants ,fertilizer supply and spreading ,then their is the local communities support via the bank,post offices news agencies,grocery store,schools,chemists ,tyre repairs ,food outlets ,health services ,we hear on the so called “correct “news this decision to ban live export of sheep will effect 3000 jobs ,we know from being on the inside of this industry for 3 generations ,the eventual number will be closer to 30,000 or more ,due to the closing of these supply lines and the rural communities ,they extend to much more than what is being acknowledged by the govt .we all feel this is a catastrophic oversight by govt .

  29. josie merchant, 08/06/2024

    All in favour of live sheep exports.This is just a beat up for the inner city mob.Just a repeat performance of the beef exports a few years ago by Gillard.Sent the North of Australia and all parties were decimated by inexperienced politicians,all for political purposes.

  30. Robyn Halil, 08/06/2024

    My brother is a sheep farmer, and my parents where, also.
    Look after the farmers.

  31. JOYCE DOUGLAS, 08/06/2024

    Keep the lìve sheep exports.
    Australia does not have the abattoirs nor the work force to kill the sheep that are being live exported, not to mention that the country’s Australia is exporting to what live sheep not a frozen product.
    Australia has some of the best animal welfare rules in the world, IF live sheep exports from Australia IS STOPPED, other countries with poor animal welfare rules will fill the void.

  32. Beverly Males, 08/06/2024

    Labour pandering to the do-gooders as it suits

  33. Roger Males, 08/06/2024

    Livelihood s are at stake
    The Labour Government act on things that will win them votes
    If they continue in this ludicrous way they will be wiped out in WA at the at the next election. Where does our Premier stand on this. Oh its Cock ex Health Minister
    Nough said

  34. Paul Ernest Kinnaird, 08/06/2024

    Why destroy an Industry that is working for all concerned. Only a Government with limited knowledge of the Trade would be so exposed as being as an outfit with no knowledge, no idear and no grit for what is good for our Country

  35. John Howey, 08/06/2024

    Should be continuing, lessons have been learned from previous mistakes if any were made at all, just don’t ship in the summer from Australia. Besides other countries want our sheep to farm and breed from

  36. Robin Yost, 08/06/2024

    The live export trade needs to stay. It is not a barbaric or cruel trade, Australia sets the World’s best standards when it comes to Live Export. It is an ethical and moral trade for populations across the globe. #KEEP THE SHEEP

  37. Rhonda Harrison, 08/06/2024

    Ban this vile trade once and for all and compensate farmers. It’s all very well to say sheep are raised to the highest welfare standards in Australia, and transported humanely (although that is debatable) in some instances. It is in the offloading in some third world countries that their real hell truly begins in Halal slaughtering and the horrific conditions in the abattoirs and that is something Australian farmers can’t control and the Australian government would not even care about.

  38. Helen Martin, 08/06/2024

    The people who support this cruel trade have an overwhelming reason – money – while those of us who want it banned have no financial reasons. Peoples’ pockets always speak louder than those who are not affected financially. It is just a fact of life. If those of us who want the trade stopped are affected financially, I can guarantee our number of votes will far exceed the supporters. Money always speaks louder than heart alone.

    • Brett Edwards, 10/06/2024

      Come the next election, Labour will find out that it’s votes in WA that will show them the way to Centrelink. Money won’t even matter.

  39. Carole Gledhill, 08/06/2024

    Is it possible for us in Australia to build more Abotoirs and open up more job’s for people in Australia please, any comments.

  40. TerryFuery, 08/06/2024

    Keep the SHEEP

  41. Vic Gunne, 08/06/2024

    We had the Voice referendum where Albo’s lot got thumped …..yet despite an overwhelming majority voteing “No” they, and many State Governments continue to push it. It’s the same with banning live sheep exports, regardless of the numbers who can see the need, understand the welfare of THEIR animals. Albo’s lot will put their heads in the sand and still claim their on the moral highground. Need to remember, that for most of this useless lot, the closest they’ve ever been to anything “rural” is when they trod on some dog … “stuff” …. in their inner west onclave or flew over it at 12k metres.

  42. Allan Stewart, 08/06/2024

    Live sheep exports are necessary for Australian economy and also feed human beings where they land overseas.

  43. Wayne mitchell, 08/06/2024

    Maintain the live sheep export market ,as it helps to offload stock and maintain a healthy live stock industry in Australia ,This country was developed on the sheep’s back you might say ,get rid of the hippocrical activists and greenies

  44. Robert Tonkin, 08/06/2024

    I want the live export of sheep to continue and I’m not a farmer and manly a vegetarian.

  45. Jim Irwin, 08/06/2024

    Labour has lost its way with their closing of the live sheep trade so we think they need to be removed from government to support all our farming communities.As far as I know I have spoken to all my friends and we count about 60 votes

  46. M. Rogers, 08/06/2024

    Keep the live sheep trade. Farmers are the best at maintaining animal health & wellbeing .

  47. Dallasmilich heywood, 08/06/2024

    Good luck iam with you all the way

  48. Susan Woodhouse, 08/06/2024

    Live export trade is cruel and not necessary it is only lining the pockets of the wealthy we dont need to eat meat put one of the farmers on a boat subject them to torture see how they fair.

  49. Phillip J Melville, 08/06/2024

    We must keep fighting for our survival.
    Keep up the pressure.

  50. john archer, 08/06/2024

    Let the majority rule ,do not ban the live trade

  51. Stanley Imhoff, 08/06/2024

    The government is far out of touch with its people that it is supposed to represent.

  52. Simone, 08/06/2024

    We must stand with our farmers. Phasing out live sheep export will have far-reaching consequences for us all. Think of the long term effects on our rural communities and the livelihoods of thousands. There is no demand for pre-packed chilled meat. Do we have refrigerated aircraft? Halal countries desire freshly slaughtered meat. They will simply source live export from countries whose standards are far lower than ours. Our current animal welfare standards are world class. Stand with our farmers – KEEP THE SHEEP.

  53. Leonie A VanHeeren, 08/06/2024

    Keep the live sheep export.

  54. Charlie, 08/06/2024

    Keep the sheep export option and restore the sheep industry to help the balance of trade

  55. Arthur Swayne, 08/06/2024

    This govt is the complete opposite of what labour once stood for ,,,,THE PEOPLE , its just destroy, us ,, !!

  56. Phil Zerner, 08/06/2024

    We treat our sheep with respect. More than we get from the animal libers. We have the best protocols in the world. Show respect for peoples efforts.

  57. Christopher Newton, 08/06/2024

    time to change woke minority opinion government, restart the live sheep trade and look after the masses

  58. Ross D Murgatroyd, 08/06/2024

    Keep the sheep

  59. Derek Newton, 08/06/2024

    A totally ill-thought policy typically of many ( Voice referedum, etc) from this incompetent government. Australians are in danger from released repeat offender criminals, but sheep and their producers get cut off mid-flight.

  60. Borg Chan, 08/06/2024

    Support the poor farmer

  61. Jenny Williams, 08/06/2024

    The live animal trade is cruel and barbaric. Stop whinging and get behind frozen and chilled export.

  62. Shirley Teusner, 08/06/2024

    Our farmers need the live trade to maintain their lively hood as well as other meat trade .Farmers are keen to maintain animal welfare ,maybe even more so than anyone else

  63. Debbie, 08/06/2024

    Ban live export. I will never ever support sending live animals across the ocean in such terrible conditions

  64. Ron Stanborough, 08/06/2024

    Keep live exports.The RSPCA are paid by the taxpayers.They should not be allowed to play politics.

  65. Dino Mazzocato, 08/06/2024

    No considerations for the High Standards asked of the Live Sheep ( and Cattle ) Trade by previous Governments and the General Public. Is a testament to the developing Sovereign Risk for all hard working citizen in Australia.

  66. Bruce ARMSTRONG, 08/06/2024

    The importance of the live shep trade will adversely affect more people than we can imagine KTS

  67. Vinessa Ratcliffe, 08/06/2024

    Coming from NZ and off a family farm .,I support farmers but NOT live sheep overseas trade ….build freezer works send the meat frozen ..No ifs or buts about it ….

  68. Douglas Harrington, 08/06/2024

    The Albanese government
    Is Canberra centric and has no idea what goes on in Western Australia. They do not know what is required to operate a sheep enterprise in WA and furthermore they don’t care. They only want the votes to keep their disgraceful government in place.

    • Alan Hansen, 08/06/2024

      Albanese Labor centralised,they cant visualise rural areas,are dictated to by unionists executives,totally unproductive establishment

  69. Michael Cranley, 08/06/2024

    The Live Export of Livestock, is a Filthy trade for Greedy farmers. Having a 75 acre property in a rural west Australian town, I also own and have raised livestock. There is no amount of money that could be paid to me to make me put my animals onto a boat, which is completely un natural to a grazing animal, for weeks in inhumane conditions, to then be further stressed by going to abatoirs in sometimes 3rd world conditions. The Pro live export lobby can use use any propaganda they like, but this trade is cruel!
    I am a huge meat eater, so I am not one of the Vegan mob, but I only eat free range, and would like to think the stress and fear of the animal is kept to a minimum.
    People have to realize that cruel practices of the past ,like slavery has also been abolished.
    Greed is no excuse for this trade.

    • Andy Robo, 08/06/2024

      Michael,,i hope you injoy your comforts that our lucky country lives with but other good hearted humens around the world need to eat strangely enough,, they have no refridguation like we have,, to keep our beer and wine cold,,🤣

  70. Shirley Paff, 08/06/2024

    I support Keep The Sheep.

  71. Bronwyn@Michael Logos, 08/06/2024

    Have a young family about to take over a sheep property from elderly parents. Their future with a new daughter is Very concerning for their future. Wool and export of their produce is in dire straits. Please relent and give them a happy future !

  72. Vincent Romeo, 08/06/2024

    I’m absolutely in favour to stop live sheep export & for the bill to phase out this practice
    Thank you

    • Anton Hutchinson, 09/06/2024

      Have you ever had anything to do with the export of sheep or cattle? Do you have any idea of how sheep are cared for on the boat?

  73. John Archer, 08/06/2024

    As a veterinarian my main concern is the treatment the sheep receive on conditions of slaughter etc.

    I also understand that sheep can be privately sold for home or ritual slaughter which potentially subjects them to Third world standards of treatment. At the moment I am “sitting” on the fence with this issue.

  74. Steven Kowalick, 08/06/2024

    This government is not for Rural Australia.

  75. Michael Cudmore, 08/06/2024

    This government must stop destroying Australian agriculture and begin to provide support for the industry and Stop their desire for Australia to lose its independence to the globalists

  76. Belinda Same, 08/06/2024

    Time for Murray Watt to resign as he has no idea what happens on the land.

  77. Anne Fedoson, 08/06/2024

    Given that the live export industry so blithely ignored welfare standards for so long, most people would have little faith in the integrity of such a petition. The hyperbole is ridiculous – no one is abolishing sheep farming. Do what other countries do and process meat here for export. Always running behind the rest of the world because so many can’t adapt, even with government help.

    • Michael Cranley, 08/06/2024

      Thankyou. Fully agree, and I live on rural acreage.
      Great comment.

      • Rory percival, 08/06/2024

        You have 75 acres and think you’re a farmer. Hardly. A few pet sheep doesn’t make you a farmer

  78. Shane Middleton, 08/06/2024

    We must keep live sheep and cattle exports, if we ban live sheep trade sheep will be transported from ßouth america or elsewhere who have little to no rules to protect sheep. Australia now has impeccable safety standards and sheep are well looked after. We have even got receiving countries to build new facilities to improve welfare of sheep. That may not be maintained either if Australia stops trade .
    Ban is just to appease a small activist minority, surely our government can see sense and remove ban.

  79. Shane Stratford, 08/06/2024

    As a beef producer on two cattle stations I’ve never in my life seen a more incompetent state and federal government from the voice to the heritage laws to gun control they are not here for the people they are a bunch of woke communist

  80. Mark Blechynden, 08/06/2024

    Hit the nail right on the head. Well said Mark.

  81. Clifton Gors, 08/06/2024

    The Federal Agricultural Minister needs to resign

  82. Tony Luff, 08/06/2024

    I totally agree with Stephen Bradleys comments. We need to keep both the sheep and cattle live exports.

    • Sharon Santos, 08/06/2024

      Agree to all above supporting our Live Export trade Govt so out of touch once again

  83. lynton malley, 08/06/2024

    Ban live cattle export . Ban old growth timber harvesting . Ban building nuclear power stations is Australias suicide note to the world economy .

  84. lynton malley, 08/06/2024

    And build nuclear power stations .

  85. lynton malley, 08/06/2024

    Also recommence harvesting of sustainable old growth timber .

  86. Joy Angel, 08/06/2024

    As we need our armed forces we need our Farmers , it is imperative that we keep the Sheep so they can afford to stay on the land . The Farmers are that important they should actually be subsidised to stay on the land !

  87. David Tucker, 08/06/2024

    Western Australia sheep farmers and associated support businesses depend on live sheep trade.

  88. Terence Caine, 07/06/2024

    We need live sheep exports

  89. Stephen Bradley, 07/06/2024

    Was the Labour party not built on the back of the sheep industry.Have they not been to Barcaldine. How can they call themselves true Labour members when the very industry that started the party off is treated in this manner. What of the shearers,shed hands,classes,property workers that pay there union dues each week & are handed back a colasapes in the very industry that employees them. Not sure where the AWU is right now but obviously hiding.The TWU also not saying anything.Don’t mind taking union fees but gone missing when members livelihoods are gone.Absolute disgrace.

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