Part of a ,line of 106 Angus steers 11-12 months averaging 368kg from Mount Gambier, SA which returned 464c/kg or $1710/head to a buyer in Victoria on Friday.
Commercial cattle listings in Elders and Nutrien’s online platform, AuctionsPlus sales hit 15,632 head this week – up 29 percent on last week – pushing prices and clearance rates lower.
Higher slaughter rates and rebuilt herds continue to reduce competition between buyers and place downward pressure on prices, while demand remains weak due to seasonal and economic uncertainty.
Listings remain lower than the same week for the previous three years due to high feed availability and lower prices causing producers to hold stock on farm for longer and take through to heavier weights. However, listings of weaner steers and heifers increased this week.
The three heaviest steer categories slipped lower in value this week with higher supply adding pressure to an already weaker market.
Steers 200-280kg steers found some support, averaging 10c/kg higher at 521c despite listings more than doubling to 1835 head. From Guyra, NSW, 56 Angus steers 6-8 months averaging 273kg returned 502c/kg.
The 330-400kg steer category registered 1990 head and averaged 463c – down 13c on last week for a 49pc clearance. From Mount Gambier, SA, 106 Angus steers 11-12 months averaging 368kg returned 464c/kg or $1710/head to a buyer in Victoria.
Heifer listings increased slightly this week with falls in the number of medium and heavy heifers outweighed by increases in light heifers. The four mediumweight and heavy categories saw average prices slip.
Listings of 200-280kg heifers increased to 1208 head and averaged 423c – down 44c from last week for a 24pc clearance. From Goondiwindi, Queensland, 43 Angus heifers 5-7 months averaging 232kg returned $1065/head or 460c/kg.
The 280-330kg category offered 834 head, 19pc lower than last week and averaged 377c – down 51cfor a 77pc clearance. From Mansfield, Victoria, 20 Poll Hereford heifers 10-11 months averaging 293kg returned 355c/kg.
Breeding females
Breeding stock listings increased this week with mixed results influenced by breed and location. PTIC heifer listings increased 36pc to 2858 head and averaged $2143/head – down $62 from last week for a 28pc clearance. From Mount Direction, Tasmania, two even lines of 16 Angus heifers 17-18 months averaging 445kg, PTIC to Angus bulls, returned $2300/head, or 517c/kg.
PTIC cows registered an increased offering of 1288 head and averaged $1859/head, losing all last week’s gains for a 55pc clearance. From Scone, NSW, 86 Angus cows 6-7 years averaging 517kg, PTIC to Angus bulls, returned $2120/head, or 410c/kg.
Among larger lines this week, 112 PTIC Red Brahman heifers 16-26 months averaging 401kg from Tambo, western Qld made 344c/kg or $1380, while 151 station-mated Santa cows averaging 469kg and ranging in age from 2-14 years, with calves at foot, from Corfield western Queensland made $2010/pair.

Part of a line of 112 PTIC Red Brahman heifers 16-26 months averaging 401kg from Tambo, western Qld that made 344c/kg or $1380 on Friday
Prices as at 2pm Friday 3 March.
Source: AuctionsPlus.