
MLA’s $300m operating budget for 2024/25: How will it be spent?

Industry service delivery company Meat & Livestock Australia has released its annual investment plan for the 2024-25 year ahead. The report (click here to access) proposes expenditure of just short..Read More

Jon Condon, 28/06/2024

Rural Press Club of Qld July lunch: Meat red meat’s new chief

In one of his first major industry engagements since taking over as Meat & Livestock managing director in late May, Michael Crowley will address a Rural Press Club of Queensland lunch in Brisbane on Wednesday, July 17…Read More

Beef Central, 25/06/2024

Recruitment: AMPC’s “More to Meat” advertising attracting candidates to meat processing careers

The Australian Meat Processor Corporation’s (AMPC) latest round of advertising as part of its More to Meat campaign has recently wrapped up before it recommences later in the year…Read More

Beef Central, 28/06/2024

ANZ’s $4.9b acquisition of Suncorp Bank approved by Treasurer

Federal treasurer Jim Chalmers has approved ANZ’s acquisition of Suncorp’s banking business after it was originally knocked by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission…Read More

Beef Central, 28/06/2024

What does ABS’s 4m herd size adjustment mean for the beef industry?

Independent meat and livestock analyst Simon Quilty takes a deep dive into the reasons behind the recent four million head adjustment to ABS’s national herd size assessment, and what it means for the beef industry…Read More

Beef Central, 27/06/2024

Are Australian cattle at risk from bird flu?

With avian influenza spreading to a 10th Australian poultry facility, following on from reports of bird flu jumping from poultry to cattle in the US earlier this year, are Australian cattle now also at risk?..Read More

James Nason, 27/06/2024

Great Aussie Charity Cattle Drive fundraising off to a gallop

An opportunity to “Adopt a Steer” or to join a leg of the 2025 Great Aussie Charity Cattle Drive on horseback, and in turn support the important work of the BeefBank Charity, is now available…Read More

Beef Central, 27/06/2024

Key survey shows the shoots of optimism in Australian beef industry

Australian beef producers have indicated growing optimism in the Australian beef industry according to the latest Beef Producer Intentions Survey. Conducted three times a year by Meat & Livestock Australia,..Read More

Beef Central, 26/06/2024

Opinion: Live sheep ban, through a different lens

The hairy-chested agri-politicians who are pushing back so vigorously against the Australian live sheep export ban are not serving their constituents well, argues live export veterinarian and consultant Tony Brightling..Read More

Beef Central, 26/06/2024

Repeat offender pleads guilty to aggravated cruelty to livestock

Recently at the Kerang Magistrates’ Court, northern Victorian farmer Bruce Cook pleaded guilty to three charges of aggravated cruelty, one charge of breaching an adjourned undertaking imposed in 2021 and was found guilty of transporting livestock not able to walk on its own…Read More

Beef Central, 26/06/2024

Cattle producers show improved sentiment over industry outlook

More Australian beef producers plan to maintain their size or expand their cattle herds, results from an important new producer survey conducted by MLA show…Read More

Beef Central, 25/06/2024

AgForce still pursuing legal action against GAB carbon capture decision

Legal action against a Federal Government decision to green light a plan to inject waste CO2 into the Great Artesian Basin is set to proceed, even after the project was blocked at state level…Read More

Beef Central, 25/06/2024

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