
Datamars buys NZ stock handling equipment manufacturer Prattley

Beef Central 20/09/2022

Animal management solutions company Datamars has bought New Zealand-based livestock handling equipment manufacturer Prattley Industries, as part of its Datamars Livestock business.

The acquisition allows Datamars to provide end-to-end animal management equipment and technology packages.

Prattley has built a reputation with livestock producers through the manufacture and sale of mobile yards, drafting units and conveyor belts, primarily for the sheep sector in New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom and France.

Datamars Australasia general manager Matt Cashmore said the acquisition combined Datamars’ Livestock’s traceability and productivity solutions with Prattley’s handling equipment to meet growing demand for greater traceability to underscore food security and improved animal health practices.

“Globally, consumers are demanding a sustainable approach to the production of food and fibre, while biosecurity and animal health continues to be a pressing concern for many economies,” Mr Cashmore said.

“Prattley is a successful business with great people – we want that to continue, and to help the business grow further and reach more livestock producers around the world.”

Mr Cashmore said Prattley’s range of handling solutions, provide a safe and versatile system to help livestock producers physically manage animals efficiently without compromising stock safety and welfare, and worked together with Datamars Livestock’s Tru-Test weigh scale indicator, load bars, and Z Tags visual and EID tag solutions.

“Animal traceability and management underpins the sheep sector’s ability to meet these challenges, and this acquisition allows us to offer Prattley’s handling solution combined with our existing EID tag and reader solutions to provide producers with the ultimate toolkit to ensure best practice food production, animal welfare and sustainability,” he said.

“Through this combined, complete solution, livestock producers are better equipped to track, weigh, treat and manage livestock movements in line with precision decisions around, for example, feed management, health treatment, and culling.”

Prattley manager Graeme Ward said the joining of the two companies would provide producers with a wider range of animal management and health delivery solutions.

“We look forward to Prattley’s continued growth thanks to Datamars global sales and marketing capabilities, and their manufacturing and supply chain systems.”

Datamars will become the primary global reseller for Prattley, while the Prattley company will continue to operate from its Temuka-base in South Canterbury, New Zealand. All 26 Prattley employees will join the Datamars team.

For more information, visit the Datamars Livestock website here


Source: Datamars









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