Beef 2021 Preview

Beef industry’s annual sustainability update to be released at Beef 2021

Beef Central 21/04/2021

THE Australian Beef industry’s annual sustainability update will be launched at Beef 2021 in Rockhampton next month during an Australian Beef Sustainability Framework seminar.

The seminar will focus on the importance of sustainability along the beef value chain, and how the ABSF is supporting the industry’s goal of doubling its value by 2030. Speakers and panel members will discuss how they have utilised a sustainable narrative and data to improve market access, promote continuous improvement and productivity, foster relationships, and protect investments.

Tess Herbert

The free seminar will feature speakers and a panel discussion including Tess Herbert (Chair, Sustainability Steering Group), Dalene Wray (Managing Director, OBE Organic), Trevor Moore (Group Systems & Compliance Manager, Northern Co-Operative Meat Co), Bel Quince (National Australia Bank), Ali Hart (Stockyard Beef), Stacey Wordsworth (President, Rural Press Club of Queensland), and celebrity chef, Martin Bouchier.

The ABSF’s fourth annual 2021 Update will be launched at the event, outlining how the beef industry is progressing on indicators that were developed through extensive consultation with industry and other key external stakeholders.

Sustainability Steering Group chair, Tess Herbert, said the update transparently acknowledged achievements as well as where there is more work to be done, and importantly, outlines activity that will deliver continual improvement.

“We need to be able to tell our story, while clearly setting the vision for the industry to show our customers, the community and interested stakeholders that we not only produce the best beef in the world, but we also have the most sustainable production systems,” Ms Herbert said.

The annual update is used by industry to guide and track performance on-farm and through the supply chain to ensure that Australia continues to be recognised as a global leader in sustainable beef production.

“A focus on aligning environmental, welfare, social and economic practices with best evidence and community expectations, while growing profitability, will help ensure continued access to markets and capital for Australian beef businesses,” Ms Herbert said.

The ABSF 2021 Annual Update seminar will be held Tuesday, May 4 from 8am-9:30am at the Paterson Room, Rockhampton State High School.


For more information and to register, click here.










































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