Beef Recipes

Old beef classic tops Google food searches in 2018

Beef Central 17/12/2018

Google has released a list of the most popular searches in 2018, and when it comes to food in Australia, an old beef classic has topped the list.

“How to cook corned beef” was the most ‘trending’ inquiry in Google’s “how to cook” searches in Australia during the past year.

Underscoring its popularity was the fact that the term “how to cook silverside” – silverside being one of the most popular cuts used for corned beef and a name used interchangeably for the same meal – came in at number four.

One theory to explain the resurgent interest in the traditional favourite has been the increasing prevalence on Australian menus of ‘reuben sandwiches’ made famous by Katz’s deli in New York, which feature corned beef, swiss cheese, a pickle, sauerkraut and Russian dressing.

Meat retailer Stephen Kelly, Sutcliffe Meats, who operates 15 retail outlets in Sydney and regional NSW suggested the trend may have been influenced by the increase in packaged corned beef silversides that has occurred on retail shelves in recent years.

All four major supermarkets – Coles, Woolworths, Aldi and Costco now have their own branded corned beef packs, which are priced very competitively and attractively for consumers at $7-$8/kg.

“I think a combination of increased availability and price has led to a new wave of consumers looking and wanting to learn on how to cook Corned Beef,” he suggested to Beef Central.

“The lower price point can probably be attributed to lower demand in Australia’s export markets like USA & Japan for the Round Cuts.

“Demand for corned beef at retail is reasonably consistent all year round with the exception of the Christmas/New Year periods when hams, turkeys and roast beef etc take precence.”

Beef-related searches also featured prominently in Google’s list of the highest trending recipe searches in 2018. Keto recipes, a low-carb, high protein diet, topped the list, followed by beef stroganoff.

Corned beef recipe: check out this corned beef recipe from Meat & Livestock Australia’s Australian Beef website here

Here are Australia’s Australia’s full trending* lists for 2018:

“How to cook…?” searches:

  1. How to cook corned beef
  2. How to cook eggplant
  3. How to cook tofu
  4. How to cook silverside
  5. How to cook beetroot
  6. How to cook rice in the microwave
  7. How to cook corn
  8. How to cook cous cous
  9. How to cook crayfish
  10. How to cook barramundi


  1. Keto recipes
  2. Beef stroganoff recipes
  3. Chicken curry recipes
  4. Frittata recipes
  5. Gnocchi recipes
  6. Risotto recipes
  7. Chicken soup recipes
  8. Fried rice recipes
  9. Omelette recipes
  10. Beef stew recipes


  1. World Cup
  2. Commonwealth Games
  3. Meghan Markle
  4. Avicii
  5. Coinspot
  6. Anthony Bourdain
  7. US Open Tennis
  8. Mac Miller
  9. Bitcoin price
  10. Black Panther

News events

  1. Royal Wedding
  2. Thai cave rescue
  3. Wentworth by-election
  4. My health record
  5. Beaumont children
  6. Hawaii volcano
  7. California fires
  8. Listeria
  9. US midterm elections
  10. Blood moon 

Global figures

  1. Meghan Markle
  2. Demi Lovato
  3. Freddie Mercury
  4. Khloe Kardashian
  5. Logan Paul
  6. Tristan Thompson
  7. Hailey Baldwin
  8. Sylvester Stallone
  9. Khabib
  10. Travis Scott 


  1. Barnaby Joyce
  2. Scott Morrison
  3. Peter Dutton
  4. Billy Slater
  5. Craig McLachlan
  6. Vikki Campion
  7. David Warner
  8. Chopper Read
  9. Nick Cummins
  10. Andrew Gaff


  1. Avicii
  2. Anthony Bourdain
  3. Mac Miller
  4. xxxtentacion
  5. Stan Lee
  6. Kate Spade
  7. Aretha Franklin
  8. Burt Reynolds
  9. Jessica Falkholt
  10. Eurydice Dixon

How to…?

  1. How to opt out of my health record
  2. How to watch World Cup in Australia
  3. How to win Powerball
  4. How to delete Instagram
  5. Google Arts and Culture face match how to
  6. How to buy bitcoin
  7. How to lose weight fast
  8. How to screenshot on iPhone X
  9. How to delete Facebook
  10. How to lose belly fat

What is…?

  1. What is bitcoin
  2. What is listeria
  3. What is ligma
  4. What is hazing
  5. What is a mud room
  6. What is the capital of California
  7. What is open on Good Friday
  8. What is Diwali
  9. What is blockchain
  10. What is ball tampering

Why is…?

  1. Why is State of Origin on Sunday
  2. Why is it called Good Friday
  3. Why is Russia OAR
  4. Why is Australia Day Jan 26
  5. Why is Tim Cahill not playing tonight
  6. Why is ANZAC Day important
  7. Why is Australia Day celebrated
  8. Why is my internet so slow
  9. Why is Nick Cummins called the honey badger
  10. Why is my poop green


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