
The age old handshake – the importance of formalising estate and succession planning for agribusinesses

Estate planning is frequently associated with simply making a will. However, death is only one aspect of the estate planning process and a complete estate plan will prepare for a variety of potential life events,..Read More

Fran Becker and Jack Conway, Hamilton Locke, 14/06/2024

Opinion: Northern live export is a soft target

Farmers have the best story in town, it is just we are not engaging with the masses, NSW cattle producer George King writes in this contributed opinion piece. ..Read More

George King, 11/06/2024

Opinion: Why soil carbon offsets are the key to addressing desertification and drought

Matthew Warnken is the managing director of Agriprove, Australia’s largest aggregator of soil carbon credits. In this contributed opinion piece, he argues that buying soil carbon credits this World Environment Day is a way to tax emitters and fund important land management…Read More

Matthew Warnken, 05/06/2024

What you (probably) don’t know about sheep exports

Victorian cattle producer and export trade consultant Byron O’Keefe has worked in the livestock export industry since 2003, and was named Australia’s Young Livestock Exporter of the Year in 2016. Here he provides unique, personal insights into why many believe the sheep export industry is worth supporting – not only by Australia but for people, livestock and food security in the countries it serves…Read More

Byron O'Keefe, 30/05/2024

Funding for ag emissions accounting mustn’t overlook elephant in the room

At first glance yesterday’s Federal Government announcement of $28.7 million to improve agricultural emissions accounting appears to pave the way for long-overdue recognition that existing greenhouse gas metrics unfairly punish emissions from stable herds of cattle…Read More

James Nason, 24/05/2024

NFF pens open letter to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

The National Farmers Federation has sent out an open letter to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese today, warning that as Australia faces the dual challenges of anaemic growth and high inflation, the Federal Government’s agricultural policies are only worsening the challenge. ..Read More

Guest Author, 22/05/2024

Food security and national security: neither can be taken for granted

Food security is one of the greatest fundamental strengths of Australia’s national power. National security policy makers must also make that connection…Read More

Andrew Henderson, 03/04/2024

Opinion: Industry should focus on biosecurity budget, not levy

No one likes extra taxes but Australian farmers are major beneficiaries of a robust well funded Biosecurity system…Read More

Markus Rathsmann, 19/03/2024

Opinion: How red tape makes communities less safe at times of fire

We should not face the rest of this fire season, and the ones yet to come, with rules and regulations that prevent communities from being able to properly prepare to defend themselves from the harsh realities of life in the bush, writes Lachlan Clark from the Insitute of Public Affairs…Read More

Lachlan Clark, 10/11/2023

Opinion: A powerful voice representing cattle producers and beef lovers

As custodians of 51% of Australia’s agricultural landmass, and the single largest contributor to the nation’s $95 billion farm sector, the grass-fed cattle industry is an economic and social powerhouse that has, for too long, had its voice muffled and diluted through its own inability to work collaboratively in advocacy and representation…Read More

Cattle Australia Director and Interim CEO, Adam Coffey, 16/10/2023

Opinion: Food is fundamental to Australia’s security

The release of Australia’s defence strategic review in April was a defining moment. But for a document that points squarely at the need for every part of Australia to pitch in, it was disappointing that the unclassified version didn’t mention food or agriculture, contributor Andrew Henderson says…Read More

Andrew Henderson, 13/10/2023

Skin Deep Issues: Understanding LSD and Australian relationships with Indonesia

The current situation in Indonesia is already having a huge impact on Australian producers in the north, and underlines an ongoing failure by Australia to understand how Indonesia, and Asia in general, works, writes Dr Michael Patching in this opinoin piece for Beef Central. ..Read More

Dr Michael Patching, 06/09/2023

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