
Repeat offender pleads guilty to aggravated cruelty to livestock

Beef Central 26/06/2024

Recently at the Kerang Magistrates’ Court, northern Victorian farmer Bruce Cook pleaded guilty to three charges of aggravated cruelty, one charge of breaching an adjourned undertaking imposed in 2021 and was found guilty of transporting livestock not able to walk on its own.

His Honour Magistrate Lennon imposed a Community Corrections Order with conviction for 12 months with a condition he perform 100 hours of community service as well as an aggregate fine of $2000.

Mr Cook was also re-sentenced for the 2021 offences which involved aggravated cruelty and failing to provide proper and sufficient drink for which he originally received an adjourned undertaking with a condition to pay $5000.

In re-sentencing, the Court took into account the fact Mr Cook had paid the $5000 and he was re-sentenced to a fine of $500 with conviction. Costs were also awarded in the sum of $5288.33.

A control order was imposed for two years with conditions to provide proper and sufficient food, drink and water, to provide veterinary or other appropriate attention or treatment and monitoring.

Agriculture Victoria Animal Health and Welfare Compliance Manager Daniel Bode said authorised inspectors attended a property in Lake Charm in March 2022 after receiving a complaint.

“A large, circular, concrete water trough partially buried in the ground contained seven deceased sheep plus one which was alive. All had exceptionally low body condition,” Mr Bode said.

“The trough was designed for larger animals as sheep troughs have shallower sides to enable them to escape if they enter.

“The water had faeces and debris floating in it and the carcasses had started to break down. The trough was the only water source for the sheep.

“The sheep which was alive was unable to support its own weight and was euthanised by inspectors. A lamb with an injury to its limb, unable to walk was also euthanised.”

Mr Bode said apart from the obvious pain and suffering of the animals, animal welfare breaches can jeopardise Victoria’s reputation as a humane and responsible producer of food, which can affect all producers.

“This is a reminder to all livestock producers that animal cruelty will not be tolerated by the Victorian Government or the community.”

Anyone wishing to make a specific complaint in regard to livestock welfare can contact Agriculture Victoria on 136 186 or

Source: Agriculture Victoria. Anyone wishing to make a specific complaint in regard to livestock welfare can contact Agriculture Victoria on 136 186 or


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  1. Cyril lund, 26/06/2024

    Another typical example of lenient sentences give to people for Animal Cruelty,it’s a disgrace.
    Australia must be world leaders in the acceptance of animal Cruelty and.torture.If you commit a crime like theft, abuse of women etc you are named and shamed but if your cruel to an animal your name is suppressed,, That speaks for itself

  2. Letitia bird, 26/06/2024

    We need an idependent body of government other than the rspca . A repeat animal abuser and the fines are ridiculous . Jail time and fines of 50,000 plus. Time to send a message to animal abusers . No more animal cruelty. We have had enough of the weak penalties and the repeat offenders.

    • Lee, 27/06/2024

      Yes an independent body that investigates & prosecutes animal welfare & cruelty issues has long been needed. RSPCA inspectors themselves don’t abide by The Prevention of Cruelty To Animals Act (POCTA) & the Fit To Load guide. There is also DPI – Department of Primary Industries and I believe DEWLP – Department of Environment Land & Water Planning along with Parks Victoria (or whatever state) are also governed under the POCTA to handle cruelty cases along with the police of course. RSPCA inspectors also lack basic animal welfare & health knowledge & insight along with an overwhelming lack of common sense.

    • Annette, 26/06/2024

      Repeat offenders should be named and shamed in rural newspapers/gazettes.
      Prison time with fines in the hundreds of thousands would be more appropriate.
      This abhorrent behaviour needs to be removed from farming practices , animal transportation ,animal ownership and abattoirs .
      As a society that consumes meat we are all responsible for the welfare of where our food comes from and how it is treated ,we can’t allow animal welfare to be disregarded in the process of this .

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