
Weaning an ideal time to vaccinate for tick fever

With weaning occurring across Queensland, beef producers in ticky country are being encouraged to vaccinate their cattle for tick fever. Last year saw tick fever incidence under-reported in many areas, Beef Central was told this morning…Read More

Beef Central, 27/06/2024

Grassland conference to sort fact from fiction

The Grassland Society of Southern Australia’s (GSSA) annual conference will help farmers sort fact from fiction when it returns to Bendigo for the first time in more than 25 years…Read More

Beef Central, 03/06/2024

Better pre-calving nutrition boosting health outcomes in northern cattle herds

Improving nutrition a few weeks before calving is successfully boosting health outcomes for both calves and breeders under challenging grazing conditions in Northern Australia. The Calf Alive project is trialling ways to overcome the impacts of poor diet and heat stress on beef properties in North Queensland and the Northern Territory…Read More

Beef Central, 31/05/2024

Long-forgotten 1970s-80s pasture trial sites delivering new industry legacy

A network of long-forgotten legume pasture trial sites scattered across southern QLD is delivering a tremendous new legacy for the beef industry. Five new stylo varieties have resulted from some clever detective work – firstly in re-discovering long-lost pasture trial sites – and secondly in analysing their performance for valued traits such as persistence and frost tolerance…Read More

Jon Condon, 23/05/2024

“Too many paddocks being lost”: Fall armyworm impacting beef fodder crops

Graziers and dairy farmers are invited to join an online update about fall armyworm, which is affecting forage sorghum and corn as well as grain crops…Read More

Beef Central, 27/04/2024

Q Fever vaccination database migrates to Australian Immunisation Register

A national Q Fever vaccination database previously managed on the meat and livestock industry’s behalf by AusMeat is being transferred to the Australian Immunisation Register…Read More

Beef Central, 24/04/2024

Farm Management Deposits front of mind as EOFY approaches

NAB is encouraging primary producers to mark 28 June as a critical date if they’re considering or already utilising Farm Management Deposits (FMDs) as part of their tax planning this financial year…Read More

Beef Central, 22/04/2024

Webinar: Enhancing preparedness for emergency animal diseases in northern Australia

  BIOSECURITY for livestock businesses has always been and is even more so top of mind for all livestock owners and managers. Join us on Tuesday, 23 April from 12.30pm..Read More

Beef Central, 19/04/2024

Building drought resilience into ‘Karalee’, Enngonia

Enngonia farm managers Martha Lindstad and Robert James have set out to build more drought resilience into ‘Karalee’, a rangeland grazing operation and part of the SLM Group…Read More

Beef Central, 16/04/2024

Pasture dieback spreading to new parts of Queensland

Graziers are being urged to keep an eye out for pasture dieback, which is continuing to spread to new areas of Queensland…Read More

Beef Central, 15/04/2024

NSW Govt inquiry scrutinises virtual fencing, on animal welfare grounds

A proposed amendment to the NSW Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act would clear the path for the use of virtual fencing technology on NSW livestock properties…Read More

Beef Central, 09/04/2024

Clarification sought on dingo classification change

Australia’s Wild Dog Action Plan and the South Australian Government are seeking clarification on how classification and regulatory changes concerning the dingo in Victoria will affect control programs in the state…Read More

Terry Sim, 09/04/2024

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