
NAPCo signs agreement to use methane-inhibitor Bovaer through supply chain

Beef Central 11/04/2022

THE North Australian Pastoral Co has signed a collaboration and supply agreement which will enable it to use the methane-reducing supplement Bovaer through its supply chain.

Bovaer is a dietary supplement cattle and other ruminants developed by global health, nutrition and bioscience company Royal DSM.

It acts as a methane inhibitor, suppressing the enzyme that triggers methane production in an animal’s stomach.

A Meat & Livestock Australia funded project in 2021 found the addition of Bovaer to a cattle feed ration reduced methane production by up to 90 percent with no impact on daily gain and feed conversion ratios. Beef Central first wrote about the feed additive in this article back in 2019.

NAPCo is one of Australia’s largest and oldest cattle companies and in 2019 launched a carbon neutral certified beef brand called Five Founders.

NAPCo GM Intensive Production and Sales, James Carson,  said  carbon offset branded beef was the first step towards the company’s long-term goal of achieving ‘net zero’, and the integration of Bovaer dietary supplement was the next step in achieving that goal.

“Since 2019, when Five Founders was launched, NAPCo embarked on an ambitious emissions reduction strategy, which has seen us begin the transition from fossil fuels to renewables on our cattle stations and included other initiatives such as planting legumes (desmathus) to increase soil carbon capture and reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” Mr Carson said.

“Through continuous research and deeply embedded innovative trials, we identified the greatest potential to reduce livestock emissions is through dietary supplements, and Bovaer proved to do just that.

“Not only will Bovaer deliver great benefit to the environment, there will be absolutely no change to quality or flavour, just better beef. We’re very excited to be the first to bring to market carbon zero beef,” he said.

Allan Cooney

NAPCo chief executive Allan Cooney said the inclusion of Bovaer in its supply chain was “a game-changer for us.”

“Bovaer will contribute significantly to reducing methane emissions from our herd, an imporatnt step in our drive for sustainable production. We’re pleased to partner with DSM in Australia, and secure supply, as the global introduction of Bovaer gains momentum.”

Mark van Nieuwland from DSM said “we know the Australian agricultural and livestock sectors recognize this opportunity for change and are eager to act”.

“DSM is very happy to work with NAPCo as leaders in this area of low carbon footprint beef production with their flagship Five Founders brand, and are happy to provide a solution to these difficult-to-reduce methane emissions.“

Bovaer, a registered trademark, is the result of a decade of scientific research, including more than 50 peer-reviewed studies published in independent scientific journals and 48 on-farm trials in 14 countries across four continents.

Bovaer has regulatory approval in Brazil, Chile and last month gained approval in the European Union.

DSM has invested in a new large-scale production facility in Scotland, and has a feed additive premix facility in Wagga Wagga, NSW, making it well positioned to develop and supply Bovaer in Australian beef and dairy sectors, Mr van Nieuwland said.




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