Pastures & Cropping

WEBINAR: Maximising production and profit with high quality forages

Beef Central 21/05/2015


OatsHigh quality forages play an integral role in beef backgrounding and finishing operations in central Queensland. These forages include sorghum, lablab, oats, leucaena, butterfly pea and other perennial legume-grass pastures.

Getting the best results using the right forage was the focus of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and Meat & Livestock Australia co-funded research project, High-output forage systems for meeting beef markets – Phase 2.

The project examined the relative production and profitability of key alternative forage options for backgrounding and finishing cattle in central Queensland.Using perennial grass-only pastures as a baseline for comparison, four years of field work on commercial beef properties across the Fitzroy Basin was completed to benchmark and analyse high quality forages.

Project leader Maree Bowen will provide an overview of the results and discuss the key findings as well as introduce the decision support tools developed during the project.

Guest presenters

Join project leader Dr Maree Bowen, along with hosts Jon Condon (Beef Central) and John James (FutureBeef).

Who should register for this webinar?
This event is for anyone involved along the beef supply chain including producers, processors, brand managers, supply chain managers, agents, consultants and consumers.

If you can’t attend on the day, register anyway. We’ll record the session and send a link to all those who register, so you won’t miss out!

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beefconnect_logo_200x58_pxThis is a BeefConnect event, brought to you through a partnership between FutureBeef and Beef Central.


Maximising production and profit with high quality forages

Date: Friday 22 May 2015

Time: 12.30 pm AEST (QLD, NSW, VIC, TAS), 10.30 am (WA) and 12.00 pm (NT SA).

Webinar location: At your computer in the comfort of your home or office or on the go, using your mobile device!



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  1. Brian Poschelk, 21/05/2015

    Coastal tropical ,high rainfall area at Proserpine. I am keen to know of possible alternatives for finishing –especially interested in leucaena and my pastures are 90% humidicola and pangola

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