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Aussie smart ear tag making inroads into major beef markets around the world

Sponsored Content 24/06/2024

The advent of smart farming technologies has ushered in a new era in agricultural practices, significantly impacting livestock management with tools that promise enhanced productivity, sustainability, and animal welfare.

This smart ear tag, developed in Australia, has been making significant inroads into major beef markets around the world, including the United States, Brazil, the European Union, and the United Kingdom.

Understanding CERES TAG Technology

CERES TAG offers an animal health and monitoring platform, with data made available via sensor technology embedded within an ear tag. Through direct-to-satellite technology, CERES TAG collects and transmits to livestock holders a sophisticated data set including pasture intake, GPS location, and behavioural data analysis. This one-of-a-kind device enables farmers to obtain timely data on each animal, enhancing decision related to health, selective breeding, and grazing management. The device’s ability to provide actionable insights can help to significantly reduce losses, improve animal welfare, and increase farm productivity.

Impact in the United States

The U.S. beef industry, characterized by its large-scale operations and stringent regulatory requirements, has welcomed the introduction of CERES TAG The technology assists in addressing several challenges, such as the tracing of animal lineage for breeding purposes and the management of vast grazing lands. Moreover, as consumer demand increases for transparency regarding how food is produced, Ceres Tag helps producers meet these expectations by providing detailed data on the lifecycle of the livestock.

ICAR certification allows for integration with existing national livestock tracking systems and positions CERES TAG as a valuable tool in enhancing biosecurity measures, crucial for preventing and managing disease outbreaks across states.

Brazil’s Adoption of CERES TAG

Brazil, as one of the world’s leading exporters of beef, faces the dual challenge of maintaining high productivity while ensuring compliance with international export standards – most notably EU’s Regulation on Deforest-free products. CERES TAG ‘s technology fits well within these parameters by facilitating improved herd management and traceability.

In the extensive ranching operations common in Brazil, the GPS tracking functionality is particularly beneficial, not only for logistic management but also for monitoring the health status and safety of animals across remote areas.

Furthermore, CERES TAG contributes to sustainable grazing practices, a critical aspect in regions facing deforestation issues linked to cattle farming. By optimizing pasture usage, CERES TAG helps in mitigating environmental impacts, aligning with both national and global sustainability goals.

The European Union and United Kingdom

In Europe and the UK, where animal welfare regulations are among the strictest in the world, CERES TAG offers a significant advantage. The technology’s health monitoring capabilities allow for early detection of illness, reducing the need for widespread use of antibiotics—a practice heavily regulated under EU law.

Moreover, the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) emphasizes technological innovation and sustainability. CERES TAG aids in addressing these priorities by enhancing traceability and improving the environmental footprint of livestock farming. In the UK, post-Brexit agricultural policies further drive the need for innovation in farming practices, making technologies like CERES TAG more relevant.

Looking Forward: The Future of Global Beef Production with CERES TAG

As the global beef industry continues to evolve, technologies like CERES TAG will play a pivotal role in shaping its future. By providing detailed and accurate data directly to farmers, these technologies not only improve individual farm productivity but also contribute to broader industry advancements in sustainability and animal welfare.


CERES TAG ‘s journey from an Australian innovation to a tool used by beef producers around the world highlights the growing intersection between technology and traditional farming. As it continues to expand into new markets, its role in transforming the global beef industry becomes increasingly significant, setting new standards in efficiency, transparency, and sustainability.


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  1. Don Lincoln, 24/06/2024

    How do you remove these tags from beast’s ear ?
    It has to come easy for processing the ear into other products !

  2. Mal Cock, 24/06/2024

    Who developed the Ceres tags?
    Is it an Oz company and who owns the IP?

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