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How Ceres Tag is building a connected ecosystem to empower farmers

Sponsored Content 11/03/2024

THROUGH a series of landmark collaborations and seamless integrations with prominent agtech systems, Ceres Tag is helping grazing businesses to unlock unprecedented levels of efficiency, sustainability and productivity.

Ceres Tag, renowned for its state-of-the-art animal monitoring platform leveraging direct-to-satellite technology, has formed collaborative alignments with several leading agtech innovations including AgriProve, Cibo Labs, Mapipedia, and AgTech 360.

Through these collaborations Ceres Tag is now positioned as the “linchpin” in an interconnected ecosystem that includes precision farming, environmental monitoring, geospatial analytics, and comprehensive AgTech solutions.

Matthew Warnken AgriProve Managing Director (right) and David Smith Ceres Tag CEO (left) celebrate the launch of ‘Tags for Tonnes’ at evokeAG 2024.

AgriProve, a leader in soiltech, carbon project development and environmental monitoring, contributes crucial insights into pasture conditions, weather patterns, and environmental factors. The integration of AgriProve’s data with Ceres Tag’s tracking capabilities empowers farmers with a holistic view of their operations, supporting sustainable land management practices.

The collaboration extends to Cibo Labs, known for its innovative solutions in precision agriculture. By incorporating Cibo Labs’ expertise, Ceres Tag enhances its data analytics capabilities, providing farmers with actionable insights for pasture management, sustainability, and overall farm optimisation.

Ceres Tag partner Mapipedia demonstrates how to access the Pasture Feed Intake (PFI) functionality of Ceres Tag in Mapipedia.

Mapipedia, a geospatial analytics platform, complements the collaboration by offering advanced mapping solutions. Integration with Ceres Tag’s animal tracking data and other AgTech systems allows for a comprehensive visualisation of farm landscapes, aiding in precise decision-making and resource management.

AgTech 360, a comprehensive AgTech platform, serves as the hub for this interconnected ecosystem. By bringing together the capabilities of Ceres Tag, AgriProve, Cibo Labs, and Mapipedia, AgTech 360 provides grazing businesses with a unified platform for streamlined data management, analytics, and decision support.

The integration with weighing systems enables real-time monitoring of livestock weight and health metrics. This data, when combined with Ceres Tag’s satellite-based tracking, facilitates optimised feed management, resource allocation, and overall herd performance for grazing businesses.

“Our mission is to bridge the gap between cutting-edge AgTech and the day-to-day operations of grazing businesses.” says David Smith, Ceres Tag Co-founder and CEO.

“By partnering with industry leaders like, AgriProve, Cibo Labs, Mapipedia, and AgTech 360, we’re creating a connected ecosystem that empowers farmers with comprehensive data for optimal decision-making.”

Grazing businesses adopting this integrated solution can anticipate heightened operational efficiency, improved livestock health, and enhanced sustainability.

The collective expertise of these AgTech leaders offers a one-stop solution for farmers looking to harness the power of interconnected technologies for a more sustainable and profitable future.

As agriculture continues its digital transformation journey, this collaboration marks a significant milestone in ushering in a new era of AgTech integration for grazing enterprises worldwide.


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  1. Nicholas Odolo, 30/04/2024

    super technology

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