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Recruitment: AMPC’s “More to Meat” advertising attracting candidates to meat processing careers

The Australian Meat Processor Corporation’s (AMPC) latest round of advertising as part of its More to Meat campaign has recently wrapped up before it recommences later in the year…Read More

Beef Central, 28/06/2024

Recruitment: Why it’s important to promote good health among employees

Sick or absent staff can be costly for businesses in the meat and livestock supply chain, as it can not only be expensive but can significantly impede progress and disrupt the flow of work. Consequently, it’s a good idea for employers to develop ways to manage the health and well-being of their staff. Here’s some hints. ..Read More

Beef Central, 21/06/2024

Recruitment: How to handle negativity in the workplace

Negativity in the workplace can be caused by a number of factors and can be very damaging to any business, small or large, operating in the red meat supply chain. So how can an employer ensure the workplace is productive, engaged and free of negativity?..Read More

Beef Central, 14/06/2024

Recruitment: Pilot program cultivating ag career prospects

The Federal Government has recently provided further funding support for the AgCareerStart pilot program, providing ​young people aged 18–25 with an interest in agriculture on-the-job experience, via a practical placement on a farm or property over a 12-month period…Read More

Beef Central, 07/06/2024

Recruitment: Ag science undergraduates tackle meaty problems

Making their presentations during a ‘Pitch-Fest’ as part of a visit to Australian Country Choice’s Brisbane beef processing facility, rural science and agriculture students from UNE shared their visions for ways to generate increased revenue for processors by reducing costs, generating novel products or converting cost centres to income streams. The novel Pitch-Fest provided a great learning experience for the industry professionals of the future..Read More

Beef Central, 31/05/2024

Recruitment: How often do Australians typically change jobs?

In times past, people’s working lives often played out over many years at one company, but now the world has vastly changed. These days it is common to shift between jobs and organisations – and it applies in agriculture as much as any other field. But this practice raises questions about what is today considered the Goldilocks time to spend in a job…Read More

Beef Central, 24/05/2024

Recruitment: Environmental roles just one of many fields covered in red meat processing

A new testimonial prepared as part of the meat processing industry’s More to Meat campaign has highlighted the vast spectrum of work skills now required across the red meat processing industry – and indeed agriculture in general…Read More

Beef Central, 17/05/2024

Recruitment: Improving communication in the workplace

People in agriculture communicate hundreds, perhaps thousands of times every day, although it does not mean everyone in the business is a good communicator. Here’s some tips to improve…Read More

Beef Central, 10/05/2024

Recruitment: Seven ways to attract top talent to remote agribusinesses

Most rural and remote agribusiness operators will tell you that luring the best and brightest candidates away from big cities or regional centres is challenging. But there are plenty of things that can be done if employers are prepared to be creative with remuneration packages and can think outside the box…Read More

Beef Central, 03/05/2024

Recruitment: Survey seeks to better understand ag career path choices

Many secondary school students studying agriculture in Year 10 abandon the subject by Year 12, a recent industry report has found – damaging prospects for future careers in agriculture. A new survey is seeking to better understand career path choices that can lead to a better and larger talent pool for ag employers in future years ..Read More

Beef Central, 26/04/2024

Recruitment: Recent trends in ag job demand and talent availability

A study released this week has looked at the current trends in job demand and talent availability in the agriculture and agribusiness sector in Australia, measured  over the second half of 2023 and the first quarter of 2024. It found there was a weakening of job demand in the sector, but a slight improvement in candidate availability and job interest during the nine-month period…Read More

Beef Central, 19/04/2024

Recruitment: Dealing with employee turnover – how to ‘stop the hop’

In an era when job-hopping is becoming more common, keeping talented employees in the fold has become a foremost business challenge for employers – and it applies as much in the meat and livestock industry as any other. Here’s some useful tips on how to ‘stop the hop.’..Read More

Beef Central, 12/04/2024

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